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modified exhaust violation Bracebridge , Ont

wkeggenhoff said:
in Ontario its not about decibels, they are just saying No modified exhaust period. that way I guess there no descrepincy in how loud is too loud.
Won't loose any pay as I will just work out of Bracebridge at our store for the day.
Yes a warning would have been much nicer than the ticket. Princibal of the thing now not the money. Will make their court system get my moneys worth lol
Will meet wioth prosicutor first. if he does not drop charge I will priocedd to trial

Is English not the primary language for most of you guys up there in Canada? LOL! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I am just trying to lighten up the mood for you guys north of the border who are apparently living in a police state! LOL!

Same rules apply down here is NY. If it is altered or changed...in other words, not 100% OEM....it is ILLEGAL. Pleading ignorance is no excuse either. I say ticket em all!

If you want to change or alter your exhaust (for whatever reason.....sound, performance, looks, etc..), than be prepared to pay the price. Snowmobile trails run on public and PRIVATE land (in NY anyhow) and loud Harley's run on public roadways.....so really no comparison. Private landowners cannot shut down the road because a loud motorcycle drove by their house on the street...however, they can shut down the trails that run through their private land for loud snowmobiles constantly driving by.

Did you not know running an aftermarket or altered exhaust was illegal in Ontario? I say you rolled the dice and lost......pay up. Just my $.02.
Apparently its been law for a while. They are just starting to enforce now. Been pulled over for checks 3 times this year before, no other mention by Police or Patrol officers. And no I did not know about this law. Its not been advertised on websites, trail maps, etc. Just got mentioned lately in a few snowmobile magazines for Ontario. Had the exhaust on for 3 years now. Its not that loud. Very similar to stock unless you really crack it. I don't do that anywhere near houses, etc. We have miles of bush and lakes Only a few trails go through town and Im not on them much.
And yes I say nail the Harleys and boats with with open exhausts. the bikes are in the city with the people all around. Why exempt them ?
Same thing in NY. They had been giving warnings and there were talks of "No aftermarket or modified exhausts" in 2008-2010. This season and last season they started handing out the tickets. Law in NY could be different than Ontario.

Law in NY says (in not so many words or verbatim) if it is altered or changed from anything other than how it rolled off them assembly line from the factory (see term "OEM"), than it is illegal. It doesn't matter how loud it is or isn't....how nice a person thinks it sounds..where they ride, what time they ride...how courteous they are to those around them and dont let er rip around populated areas. And to add to that, your non-altered OEMexhaust must be in good, working order.

Let's face it, LOUD is subjective. What one thinks is loud, another may think sounds cool or equivalent to stock, just a different tone, but not any louder. So they take out subjectivity and say if it is changed or altered...it is ILLEGAL. No DB meter reading needed.

I like a nice sounding exhaust as much as the next motorhead or fan of high-performance, sweet sounding engines....but I don't strap on a nice sounding Excell or MBRP or Bender exhaust or gut out my OEM exhaust, simply because 1) I risk getting a ticket and really don't feel like dishing out extra $$ 2) it gets trails closed by landowners (in NY anyhow) 3) Because it is the LAW (in NY) pure and simple.

Just like driving a car.....all snowmobilers should be familiar with the laws that govern their sport in the areas they are riding. Ignorance is no excuse.
NY AttakGT said:
Same thing in NY. They had been giving warnings and there were talks of "No aftermarket or modified exhausts" in 2008-2010. This season and last season they started handing out the tickets. Law in NY could be different than Ontario.

Law in NY says (in not so many words or verbatim) if it is altered or changed from anything other than how it rolled off them assembly line from the factory (see term "OEM"), than it is illegal. It doesn't matter how loud it is or isn't....how nice a person thinks it sounds..where they ride, what time they ride...how courteous they are to those around them and dont let er rip around populated areas. And to add to that, your non-altered OEMexhaust must be in good, working order.

Let's face it, LOUD is subjective. What one thinks is loud, another may think sounds cool or equivalent to stock, just a different tone, but not any louder. So they take out subjectivity and say if it is changed or altered...it is ILLEGAL. No DB meter reading needed.

I like a nice sounding exhaust as much as the next motorhead or fan of high-performance, sweet sounding engines....but I don't strap on a nice sounding Excell or MBRP or Bender exhaust or gut out my OEM exhaust, simply because 1) I risk getting a ticket and really don't feel like dishing out extra $$ 2) it gets trails closed by landowners (in NY anyhow) 3) Because it is the LAW (in NY) pure and simple.

Just like driving a car.....all snowmobilers should be familiar with the laws that govern their sport in the areas they are riding. Ignorance is no excuse.

You have some great points NYGT, some I never thought of but they make sense.
I use to own a 93 XLT SP and imo it was somewhat loud but in all honesty it was stock and not triple piped.
My point is, with it being stock I cannont get fined but someone with an aftermarket exhaust, even if it is not as loud, can be.

I guess, and like someone told me once before, 90% of the laws were written for 10% of the population, there isn't much anyone can do, except obey the law the way it is written?

Just curious what do the vintage sled crowd does when they can no longer get OEM exhausts for their sleds?
Jsut like the old 650 RXL's tripples where loud. Many sleds where factory equipped with stinger pipes. Guess its up to them to prove whats factory and whats not. dont know how they would go about that. they would certainly have to do some research. Wonder how much time they are willing to spend on a $110 ticket
Irv said:
Just curious what do the vintage sled crowd does when they can no longer get OEM exhausts for their sleds?

we did have a case like that happen in my area. a guy was going ice fishing with an older model skidoo snowmobile and got one of these tickets. he had tried to buy a new oem exh for his sled but they where discontinued with none in stock. there where no good used ones around either. he bought an new aaen exh for his sled as it was all that was availible. he ended up going to court over it. he took a letter he got from skidoo saying when his exhaust was discontinued. the judge dismissed the charges and the charging officer was present at the time.
NY Attack you guy s must be lucky. Here in Maine no modified exhaust on anything is allowed. I cant tell you how many Harley riders have a fit about it. Really alot of trails up here are privately owned but not all. The thought process is that you are in fringing on peoples rights when you are so loud. Same if you live by a public way you still have the noise pollution from the cars trucks and motorcycles. I think to be honest he broke the law it is a non modified exhaust law, but he asked hoiw to get outn of it. To get out of it you just need to show how poorly these particular officers did there job. They did not even verify (from the sounds of the story) that he really had an aftermarket exhaust.
funny how you are allowed to equip your car with NON OEM exhaust (not talking about Magnaflow, but just an aftermarket replacement).

Heck, I have Dynomax on the Tahoe....passed certification.

I am pretty sure all this Magnaflow and Dynomax type exhaust is allowed everywhere.

Time for a change in how laws are written, maybe some consideration of similar laws....like the sled exhaust vs the car exhaust scenario.

:die lawmakers
They have been charging here in Muskoka since the early ninties, nothing new, loud pipes close trails. You can get away with a front mount turbo but a rear is obnoxious. Its a chance you take if thats what you want. The opp used to only charge one in a group. now there charging every one. thats the only differance.
I wonder what they would say/do if you cracked it by them with a ram-air lid mod for the air box? kinda sounds like exhaust when you hit it .
They sure put a lot of effort and resources into this type of crime fighting, don't they!
87gtNOS said:
They sure put a lot of effort and resources into this type of crime fighting, don't they!
Yeah they do! here in the states they have something to say about loud exhaust when your going to get gas or cutting thru the city! its crap! everyones windows are shut. summertime you have harleys,bikes,musclecars and junk broke vehicals making noize and they dont care! sooooo i dont care and will always make noize with all my toyz always!! :moon: :Rockon: :tg: :letsnow:
ticket Bracebridge modified exhaust

Have a pre-trial meeting with prosicutor April 9th @ 2pm. Will update post then good or bad.
