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My Phazer review... after 900 miles


Jan 24, 2007
Gettysburg, PA
Got back this past Saturday night from a week of riding in upstate Maine (stayed at Portage Lake) with some friends.

When the Phazer came off the trailer it had 1 mile on the odo and 908 when it went back on.

Had a very comfortable ride to whole time, rode a full 210 miles one day and no back ache. The seat is not as cushy as the "big sleds" but, to me, sitting upright is more comfortable. Very easy to deal with it When the trail got rough with moguls and washboard, standing up riding was easy as could be, very nice to let the sled take the pounding instead of your back. Also seems to be a lot easier to navigate tight and twisting rough woods trails while standing.

The little Phazer had plenty of juice to keep up with the big guys when cruising trails at 60-70. But our more average cruising speed was between 40-50 mph. On long straight runs the dream-o-meter would normally bounce between 80 and 85 mph, but on one well packed trail I did have it bouncing off 90 a couple of times. It's got plenty of low to mid-range grunt. This sled is not a high speed lake racer, but that's not what I was looking for in this machine.

High speed corners take a little finesse. Hanging from the hooks like its a crotch rocket seems to be the norm. I don't have the track studded yet, so icy corners were "interesting". I adjusted the front shocks one click harder, this made a difference in cornering, maybe two would even be better, but didn't try.

The stock track seemed to preform just fine for trail riding and off trail the powder was only about a foot deep so again it was fine. I did find myself into a ditch once from a slight miscalculation after trying to jump a mogul that was right before a turn... oops, but no harm done. The snow had blown into the ditch and was about two feet deep and another two feet back up to the trail, after getting the track back on some fresh powder and staying on the high side of the sled the Phazer pulled itself out with no problems.

Cold starts didn't seem to a big issue. The average nightime temps hovered around 0 degress F plus wind chills and it sat outside every night. It would normally take two or three tries holding the starter 3 or four seconds each time. I don't know if it really made a difference but I also added a little HEET to each fill-up, just to be on the safe side. After that it would fire up on the first try every time.

Although I have the FX version, I had the larger GT/Mountain windshield put on and also added the four little wind delfectors, this made for a very nice ride, not cold at all. The hand and thumb warmers worked extremely well, having to turn them way down most of the time. The coldest sled in our group was the Nytro, although he had the taller windshield, the air was always at your hands and right in your face.

I checked the oil a few times during the trip and it was always clean and didn't use a drop.

Did notice that after a long high speed run the temp light would come on after it sat at idle for more than a minute or so, but normal riding didn't seem to effect it that quickly. But most of the time I would get into the habit of just shutting it off everytime we stopped. If the light did come on, it would go out after a minute or so back on the trail.

Icing was an issue. The guys renamed it "the ice-machine". I called yamaha directly on monday and explained my concerns and dissapointment with the icing issue. They were very nice and called my dealer since I was taking it over for an oil change. In the end Yamaha picked up the bill for the side panels plus installation, thanks Yamaha! Now, I know it won't help the icing in the tunnel, but if it keeps most of that off the running boards, I'll be happy for now.

Gas consumption was great. The one time I figured it out it was about 19 mpg and that was probably about half easy trail cruising and half heavy handed on the throttle. To be on the safe side I figure to get about 130 miles from a tank full. It was nice not worrying about gas before everyone else.

Overall, and so far, I am very happy with this sled. It is quite a step up from my old sleds, a '94 Vmax 600 and an '85 SRV. While it's not the sled for everyone, it does everything I expected it to do and more.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinions and observations, nothing more, nothing less.



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gabe, I just called the customer service number from the website. It looks like they are in southern california. The gentleman I talked with was very nice and understanding. I was also sure to be very clear and tactful with my words and what I expected but not to be abusive and beligerant (sp?).

Very nice write up. Glad to hear something nice, and well written. Glad you enjoy it. Maxdlx
The guys at Yamaha are pretty helpful. I called today and got myself a credit at my dealership for the side panels also. The only bad thing is they are still on backorder. I recommend everyone call and talk to them abouth the icing issue. The more people call, the better for all of us.
"I don't know if it really made a difference but I also added a little HEET to each fill-up, just to be on the safe side."

If I remember correctly, HEET is methanol (wood alcohol) and the owners manual specifically warns agains using methanol. The other option is ethanol, which is less corrosive than methanol. Might be an issue with the fuel injection parts?

With all the miles, you probably burnt it all up, so no big deal.

Friends, don't let their friends, drive sleds on meth. . . .
Nice review. Honest and to the point. Good to hear Yamaha is picking up the tunnel pannel tabs. I haven't heard much of them doing that in Canada, but I dropped that ball after deciding to cover the hole.
Thank guys, FX is going to the dealer today, black side panels are in.

Dale: I remember about the methonal thing... but we'd burn thru the gas pretty quick and when I did put it in, only used about 1/4 of a bottle per full tank. Some of the fuel stops in maine are known for having "bad gas".

I'm not sure if I'll get anymore riding in this winter, going to get close to 50 here this week. I may have to make one last drive up north for those last few miles of riding.

use the red bottle isoheet instead of regualr heat. Isopropyl has no effect on the fuel system.
Nice review! If they could only make the Phazer lool like a snowmobile instead of a dirt bike some of us old farts would buy them.
studdog said:
Nice review! If they could only make the Phazer lool like a snowmobile instead of a dirt bike some of us old farts would buy them.
This old fart "used" to care how they looked but now I care more about how they ride. After years of riding ATV's and now the Phazer, I'm beginning to find that I really don't care for the "old school" riding position of earlier model sleds. The transition from sitting to standing just isn't as easy as it used to be for some reason.

That being said, my wife thinks the Phazer looks like a bug, she calls ours "Jiminy Cricket". LaLaLa

BTW, nice review ;)!
My wife referred to them as "butt ugly". I'm driving an Attak GT great ride but a bit noisy. It sounds like the 120 hp motor is coming to the Phaser chassis in 08. That could be quite a package.
I like the Phaser as well, I don't own one YET but my mother in law and father in law have them and love them. "Grandma" thinks they are UGLY as sin but enjoys them just the same. "Boppa" is now looking for more POWER!! S/C Turbo or the 3 poper will decide weather he goes Apex or not... I think he is getting a little tired of his little girl kicking his #*$&@ on her Apex. :moon:

I was gunna upload picts but too big so I will try later #$%&*
Yeah, I like mine but think it's ugly too!
But it makes the wide, low seats of other
sleds ugly, too.
