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My progress report!! FX Nytro 136" What works!

Apr 11, 2007
Shelby Twp, MI
Okay I'm done being a baby about this sled and will be working very hard on making it right for my style of riding. :yam:

So instead of just claiming the machine blows and being negative I will post up my findings in this thread for others to read.

Thanks to many on this site who have given me the faith to try! ;)!

First - on the list is Ski's...trying 3 different types.

Second - removing coupling blocks

Third - shock/spring setting adjustments.

Fourth - Limiter Strap adjustment

The last three are not in any order....

Paul IF I could suggest,

Move the limiter strap up to second on your list, and start with the stock skis... (if you still have them)

When you change skis place all you shock adjustments back to neutral or in the middle and adjust from there. (including spring preload) A few clicks here and a few clicks there and you will KNOW what seems to work (or DOESN'T work) for you! We are each a little different...

Don't worry ONCE you sled is set up or close to set up like you like it you will not have to do this again. commit a couple of ride just learning what SMALL changes you needto make to reel in your sleds handling.
glad to hear you're sticking with it Paul. Good luck!!! I am sure it will be worth the time and effort. Always remember too- the worst day of sledding is always better than the best days of not.
just got my 136 fx rtx home, I will ride it tomorrow and see how it acts for me. I rode it just alittle at thedealer through some bumps and I think for my weight(210 suited up) it probably is going to be set about right. My friend has the same sled and they pulled the limiters up one for some more ski pressure but he weighs less than me. I could turn fine on ice and it for sure isn't heavy. Granted most of our riding is straightline ditch banging so ski pressure isn't that big of concern to me as long as it will kindof turn lol I will say it really transfers quite good which I like. When I do trail ride in the twistys I kind of point and shoot, fast in , brake to transfer weight to front, turn, back on the gas, may not be the best way to ride but it is fun.
after doing some riding, I find this sled about perfect for me other than it is darn cold on my nutz lol. Darts alot less than my attak and steers easier. Feel 100lbs lighter and just as quick. Like I said my riding is more x-country than trail riding. I do know that pulling the limiter strap is not the answer to easy steering, remember this is not a zig zag trail sled, its ment to pound the bumps and for that is is very good.
I totally agree with 08Nitro! I don't understand why so many people go out and change set-ups because it worked on their old sled. There are probably 50-75 different styles of ski's out there because of preference and because some work better with certain sleds than others.

This thing is BRAND NEW!! You need to benchmark everything prior to changing anything! Obviously there are items that can be looked at....guys that ride in deep snow all the time will need a 1.5 track, etc.

The Lucky 7 crew is heading up to Gaylord this weekend for a 1 day trip to get the benchmark and try to get things dialed in.

Good work Paul!
