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New Exhaust


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Michigan
How many of you guys who bought Rx-1s are going to change the exhaust and if you are which one will you be buying.I was thinking about the White knuckle QC-1 or Maximum Performace silencer but I think I will wait and ride it stock first.Mike
See my post over in the Mods section. I am trying to decide as well. I rode mine all last year with stock. I think you have to ignore the performance gains and weight savings and just realize that you really want it for the sound.. :lol: Once you do that it's easier to make your descision to spend the extra $$$ or not.
I've always liked a little extra noise .I was just wondering what everyone was thinking of going with.Mike
I went with the QC-1 and love it. I think the MPRP is to loud. I was suprised to gain a few hundred rpms out of it while climbing.
I have to agree with Spray, White Knuckle Performance is the way to go. They have them in stock, and can probably have them on your doorstep in 3-5 days. Their service is awesome!!!!!
I'm leaning towards the White knuckle QC-1 myself.What ever happened with Benders adjustable silencer.Did they ever build any.Mike
I heard Bender had problems with the system, but that was from other people. I called Bender on some other Items, and they were never shipped out, so I called Joel at Wahl. I know people who have ordered the system, and never received it, this is going on 7 months!!!! Not a company I want to deal with.

I think these are the 2 versions:


Has anybody heard the maxxperformance and the White knuckle exhaust.Just wondering if they sounded close to the same or not.
Did anybody modify there stock exhaust?
Yes some have cut open the stock exhaust and took the guts out welded it back up. Not sure how it would sound but there is someone on here that has done it.

yes i did it and it sounds awsome. but i only saved a couple of pounds. i also drilled a couple of holes in the cross over pipes in the muffler, be careful not to drill to many to big or it will get very loud.
