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New Exhausts for the SideWinder

considering it's both an outlet and muffler, and if you price both of those...its reasonable.
SJ I would bet that you work or sale or a good friend because every site I go on you are preaching how GREAT TD stuff is and even starting thread about how great it is?
The mods need to make you a paid supporter. Why do you keep saying it is a outlet and muffler? NO is NOT! It is a short peace of pipe for the muffler to connect to? That is the way they come from the factory right? You dont look up the parts list and it say outlet pipe and then muffler? Paid spokesman and I hope the Mods keep and eye on you!
SJ I would bet that you work or sale or a good friend because every site I go on you are preaching how GREAT TD stuff is and even starting thread about how great it is?
The mods need to make you a paid supporter. Why do you keep saying it is a outlet and muffler? NO is NOT! It is a short peace of pipe for the muffler to connect to? That is the way they come from the factory right? You dont look up the parts list and it say outlet pipe and then muffler? Paid spokesman and I hope the Mods keep and eye on you!

LOL, Welcome to my world.. I am not sure if this is the case but I would not be surprised...but it will show thru eventually if there is some truth to it.
SJ I would bet that you work or sale or a good friend because every site I go on you are preaching how GREAT TD stuff is and even starting thread about how great it is?
The mods need to make you a paid supporter. Why do you keep saying it is a outlet and muffler? NO is NOT! It is a short peace of pipe for the muffler to connect to? That is the way they come from the factory right? You dont look up the parts list and it say outlet pipe and then muffler? Paid spokesman and I hope the Mods keep and eye on you!

Sorry but you are wrong with your assumption. What SJ is referring to is on the 1100 it has an outlet pipe and then the muffler(two parts). Due to the new configuration, TD has made it all into one. There is maybe 10 inches difference(difference in length of outlet) if you were to put the whole system side by side and it is cheaper than the two pieces for the 1100. SJ does not work for TD at all, nor do I, but posting so others know what is out there for them. You can decide if it is too much or not. Buy or don't buy, it is your choice!! Cheers
SJ I would bet that you work or sale or a good friend because every site I go on you are preaching how GREAT TD stuff is and even starting thread about how great it is?
The mods need to make you a paid supporter. Why do you keep saying it is a outlet and muffler? NO is NOT! It is a short peace of pipe for the muffler to connect to? That is the way they come from the factory right? You dont look up the parts list and it say outlet pipe and then muffler? Paid spokesman and I hope the Mods keep and eye on you!

Don't worry SJ doesn't work for TD or anything like that. He's a super passionate guy that believes in the product line. They do make great quality stuff and he is likely just wanting to share the excitement with our Yamaha friends. We cat guys tend to fight among ourselves a fair bit. While I was one of the guys questioning the pricing on HCS I guess in the end I was likely overstepping by pointing out the pricing but its for the vendor to decide. I know for a fact I can build one for less than half of asking but that's besides the point. I agree its technically not an outlet / muffler combo but I see how they are trying to market it as such to justify the increase cost.

He and I have had some keyboard battles but in the end he's a stand up guy that is passionate about what he believes in. No one can fault him for that.
Don't worry SJ doesn't work for TD or anything like that. He's a super passionate guy that believes in the product line. They do make great quality stuff and he is likely just wanting to share the excitement with our Yamaha friends. We cat guys tend to fight among ourselves a fair bit. While I was one of the guys questioning the pricing on HCS I guess in the end I was likely overstepping by pointing out the pricing but its for the vendor to decide. I know for a fact I can build one for less than half of asking but that's besides the point. I agree its technically not an outlet / muffler combo but I see how they are trying to market it as such to justify the increase cost.

He and I have had some keyboard battles but in the end he's a stand up guy that is passionate about what he believes in. No one can fault him for that.
Thank you for your thoughts and I agree 100 percent with you. But it does make a person wonder when you go over to HCS and here him bragging about TD on the Acrtic cat side and now it over here on the Yamaha forum?
Thank you for your thoughts and I agree 100 percent with you. But it does make a person wonder when you go over to HCS and here him bragging about TD on the Acrtic cat side and now it over here on the Yamaha forum?

Not trying to be offensive but I wonder why you even care?
Mrsled and the mods do an awsome job of policing the site and making sure things like you are saying are not happening.
To call the guy out in the middle of a thread implies to me that you have personal issues with him you might be dragging over here from hcs.
Any time you have a concern you can privately message a moderator. They are all awsome about handeling this kind of stuff
Here's the facts.. I hate to see an innocent guy get jumped...and thats what has happened to TD for years over on HCS...to the point of discrediting him..at the time I couldnt believe the #*$&@ that was going down...

Ive raced against TD sleds and knew they were getting wrongfully bashed.. I defended them...and I was 100% D&D turbo at that time...If you dont believe me...ask richie rich...

Ive bought stuff from TD OSP and DD and others , since they all perform....I say good...if there was something bad...Id post it....the ATTACKS and BASHING were all bullshit!

and if some troll who doesnt even have skin in the game posts BS...I call them out.. I cant stand buy and watch a guy who is trying to do the right thing... bringing a new product to market on the new machine (giving us eye candy to think about ahead of the sled arrival) get bashed..
get hammered by TROLLs on the other forum who must be in "other camps"...now they are here^^^

TY if you think my post bringing performance stuff and possibly advertisers here...delete my thread..

because Im 007 ...

a secret sled agent LMAO

Thank You Jester and Jamie for the kind words....Jamie...could you make the part that comes off the turbo? that is the part Im referring to as the outlet portion and seems to be the trickiest part...Im down for saving $$ after all
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Well, must be the official start of summer. People are quite edgy. Sidewinder can't get here soon enough (although I guess it can if it's not winter yet either. )
More drama here than a soap opera. Cheap entertainment anyway.
Here's the facts.. I hate to see an innocent guy get jumped...and thats what has happened to TD for years over on HCS...to the point of discrediting him..at the time I couldnt believe the #*$&@ that was going down...

Ive raced against TD sleds and knew they were getting wrongfully bashed.. I defended them...and I was 100% D&D turbo at that time...If you dont believe me...ask richie rich...

Ive bought stuff from TD OSP and DD and others , since they all perform....I say good...if there was something bad...Id post it....the ATTACKS and BASHING were all bullshit!

and if some troll who doesnt even have skin in the game posts BS...I call them out.. I cant stand buy and watch a guy who is trying to do the right thing... bringing a new product to market on the new machine (giving us eye candy to think about ahead of the sled arrival) get bashed..
get hammered by TROLLs on the other forum who must be in "other camps"...now they are here^^^

TY if you think my post bringing performance stuff and possibly advertisers here...delete my thread..

because Im 007 ...

a secret sled agent LMAO

Thank You Jester and Jamie for the kind words....Jamie...could you make the part that comes off the turbo? that is the part Im referring to as the outlet portion and seems to be the trickiest part...Im down for saving $$ after all

My everyday life is CNC, with many contacts in the biz, the flange is a piece of cake, the "outlet" is a piece of cake, the muffler is a $90 retail muffler. Other than fitting the first one once jigged I could make these all day long at $400 a pop and double my $
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My everyday life is CNC, with many contacts in the biz, the flange is a piece of cake, the "outlet" is a piece of cake, the muffler is a $90 retail muffler. Other than fitting the first one once jigged I could make these all day long at $400 a pop and double my $
How do we order?
Turboforce sounds similar tone wise to the osp can I ran on the viper. Hard to tell how loud they actually are. Have to hear one in person before I make the call.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
That is cool....thumbs up to Turbo Dynamics for R&D during summer...looks like a hoot... man that is going to be a fastttt sled...:4STroke:
The 3 cyl is going to sound so sweet compared to the old twin turbo. Crazy to think this sled could be 225 hp with just an exhaust. Is it winter yet!
