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New to a Nytro


Jan 15, 2019
09 Nytro xtx
Just picked up a 09 Nytro xtx sled is mint took it to tughill over weekend put on 200 miles. Things I noticed hand warmers suck. Is this normal? Is there a cheap fix? Other thing was it darts bad and steering was very heavy I didn’t get a chance to adjust suspension cause it was zero degrees out. But definitely has a lot of ski pressure. What fixes can I do without buying tons of new parts for sled ?

For the handwarmers - The Yamaheaters work well - not necessarily cheap but they work well.

After running a few different skis - I think the Tuners were the best bang for your buck on this sled, not perfect, but handled most trail conditions and had light steering. They are priced reasonable. As for Curves and C&A, I have read are good handling skis on the Nytro but you sacrifice steering weight.
Yup, Yamaheater for the hand warmers, more spring preload in your center (front) skid shock to lighten steering. Check your limiter strap as well . Mines JUST. Slack with me on the sled. Skis.... You'll get a bunch of opinions, and that's what they are. My sled came with Tuners. One ride and I didn't care for them. Had a set of Slydog Pwderhounds sitting around aaaand BAM, my favorite Nytro ski. No one can predict what YOU will like for skis. Guy I bought my Nytro from likes the Tuners and rails corners with them. Didn't have enough bite for me. The added advantage of the Slydogs is flotation. This sled needs it worse than my Apex or Attak. Good luck with your choices!
Ditto on above, I did the Tuner IIs and full Bergstrom setup (triple point inner carbides, outer wear bars, reverse rubbers, shim on rear and ski savers). Rails as noted but not great float but great on groomed trails and ok off...
Ditto on above, I did the Tuner IIs and full Bergstrom setup (triple point inner carbides, outer wear bars, reverse rubbers, shim on rear and ski savers). Rails as noted but not great float but great on groomed trails and ok off...

I’m looking for a ski that will give me less steering effortwhen on trails and more float off trail. I do 50/50 riding mostly.
Slydog Powderhound fits that criteria. I have the 7" version and have used them for thousands of miles. Bergstrom makes a Triplepoint specific to Slydogs based off my skis. 8" Triplepoint with a 3/8" ski saver and shimmed for zero darting and easy steering.
Slydog Powderhound fits that criteria. I have the 7" version and have used them for thousands of miles. Bergstrom makes a Triplepoint specific to Slydogs based off my skis. 8" Triplepoint with a 3/8" ski saver and shimmed for zero darting and easy steering.

Ok thanks for the input. I just adjusted my suspension to get more weight off front. Turns out the sled had dual 9” carbides on each ski. And the stock skis. So that might be something causing the high effort to steer. I do not have any studs in sled and it is the 144”
Check the ball joints in the bottom A arm. I rode a Nytro for many years and we these start to go, the steering becomes very stiff!
Check the ball joints in the bottom A arm. I rode a Nytro for many years and we these start to go, the steering becomes very stiff!

There is some play in them and noticed the skis have some in out play also
I put split rail skis on my 08 and the darting is gone. I live in Iowa so not sure what deep snow is!
There is some play in them and noticed the skis have some in out play also
You need new bushings. https://www.barnofparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/7077625

Go through your front end and get everything tight. Do a steering post relocator. Either the OFT or one from Barn of parts. Helps the steering effort a fair amount. Grips can be made to work well with the Yamaheater or replacing the heaters with the ones from RSI. https://www.denniskirk.com/race-sho...eater-element-kit-gh-2.p595918.prd/595918.sku
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You need new bushings. https://www.barnofparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/7077625

Go through your front end and get everything tight. Do a steering post relocator. Either the OFT or one from Barn of parts. Helps the steering effort a fair amount. Grips can be made to work well with the Yamaheater or replacing the heaters with the ones from RSI. https://www.denniskirk.com/race-sho...eater-element-kit-gh-2.p595918.prd/595918.sku

X2 on RSI. Definitely the best bang for the buck.
You need new bushings. https://www.barnofparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/7077625

Go through your front end and get everything tight. Do a steering post relocator. Either the OFT or one from Barn of parts. Helps the steering effort a fair amount. Grips can be made to work well with the Yamaheater or replacing the heaters with the ones from RSI. https://www.denniskirk.com/race-sho...eater-element-kit-gh-2.p595918.prd/595918.sku

Ok thanks for the info. Before I upgrade my skis and steering position how much carbide would you say is needed on this xtx. It has dual 9” carbides on each ski and isn’t studed seems like way to much
I’m looking for a ski that will give me less steering effortwhen on trails and more float off trail. I do 50/50 riding mostly.
I would probably not look at the Tuner I/IIs as they don't have much float off trail although I don't mind how they go in 24" of powder, some do... on groomed trails, they work great with the Bergstrom full kit.
