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Nytro Uncontrolable darting/track sliding


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Dec 23, 2008
Sparta, WI
So my buddy went riding with me last night and for whatever reason his sled is acting super strange. We have read the posts on adjusting all the different suspension setup and have had no luck. What happens is: when accellerating the sled drives perfectly straight, when cruising at a continuous pace or decellerating especially the sled will jerk left or right. It feels like the rear end is kicking out and the skis want to go in whatever direction they please. I rode it for a little while and it felt like riding a bucking bronco because of the severe shifting left and right. This all occurs on flat straight line bike trails so there are no moguls or whoops. Perfectly flat and groomed. I have an apex and know what some darting is like before I got my sled setup. This isn't your ordinary darting, this is one side of the trail to the other and when you correct it, it feels like the sled is going to kick you off. What I am asking in this post is if anyone has had any sort of problems on their nytros doing this and what should be changed. We have adjusted the front shocks, adjusted the toe-in on the skis, changed dampening and compression to desired setting on the front shocks, changed the rear torsion to soft, pulled limiter strap in rear 2 holes and pulled front strap one hole. Also, put new 8" carbides on the sled and I am starting to think if that isn't part of it. The rider is all but 150lbs geared up. Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

Sounds like you're doing everything right. Did you make each change 1 at a time or multiple changes at a time? These sleds react "big" to small changes so maybe you went to far with something. Another suggestion is a combination of changes and keep a spreadsheet of the results. It's a pain in the butt but it will help in the end.
With mine I found the limiter straps and new carbides did nothing but the front air pressure and rear shock rebound/compression settings fixed the darting as well as cornering. Never had to adjust toe out etc.
We adjusted slowly two click at a time and pitted about 7 different times adjusting on thing at a time. I just doesn't make sense to me why the darting aka almost jerking you off the sled is so aggressive. It was nothing like my apex when that used to dart. For whatever reason would it help if he had studs it to try and keep the track from sliding around?
Spikes won't help.
Anything bent on the front end?
As for ski alignment, should be slightly toe-out I believe, about 1/4"?

Need to get some weight off the skis..... less ski spring tension, more center spring tension, longer front strap, shorter back strap (if equipped)
sledneck22 said:
So my buddy went riding with me last night and for whatever reason his sled is acting super strange. We have read the posts on adjusting all the different suspension setup and have had no luck. What happens is: when accellerating the sled drives perfectly straight, when cruising at a continuous pace or decellerating especially the sled will jerk left or right. It feels like the rear end is kicking out and the skis want to go in whatever direction they please. I rode it for a little while and it felt like riding a bucking bronco because of the severe shifting left and right. This all occurs on flat straight line bike trails so there are no moguls or whoops. Perfectly flat and groomed. I have an apex and know what some darting is like before I got my sled setup. This isn't your ordinary darting, this is one side of the trail to the other and when you correct it, it feels like the sled is going to kick you off. What I am asking in this post is if anyone has had any sort of problems on their nytros doing this and what should be changed. We have adjusted the front shocks, adjusted the toe-in on the skis, changed dampening and compression to desired setting on the front shocks, changed the rear torsion to soft, pulled limiter strap in rear 2 holes and pulled front strap one hole. Also, put new 8" carbides on the sled and I am starting to think if that isn't part of it. The rider is all but 150lbs geared up. Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

I would say your lower ball joints are shot.
You really think the ball joints are shot with a sled that has barely over 2000 miles on it? It could have but when we adjusted the toe-in/out last night they seamed pretty solid to me...I guess it is something worth double checking. Next thing well try is pulling the rear strap as said previously anther hole to see if that helps. Well be doing that around 3 this afternoon so ill post results
Guys, I highly recommend checking your COMPLETE front end every time you ride. Ball joints, tie rod ends, bolts, nuts, shock bushings etc. I have been finding all kinds of scary poop on the five Nyros we run (group).
enticeraised said:
Guys, I highly recommend checking your COMPLETE front end every time you ride.

Ahhh...the ol' buddy check ploy. I fell for this the first three times, but no more.
Did I miss it, or have you not shimmed the skis yet?

Pulling up on the limiter/adding weight on the skis will only aggravate this problem.
Definitly ball joints! last year when mine got really bad, my buddies , rode my sled and were terrified of the thing. Now ,I know how it starts to act without even checking ball joints. 7500 km on sled/700 on ball joints.
From what you are saying it sounds like too much weight transfer. I base this on you saying it goes fine under power but darts badly while decelerating. Suspension setup is critical on this sled, too much pressure is being applied to the skiis when deceleratin from weight transfer.

Just a thought.
