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nytro vs xp

TurboJamie said:
We have an xp in our group to compare the nytro to as well. As everyone else has said for the first 100 - 200 ' they are even then the rev starts to pull away. The reason the nytro feels like its pulling your arms off is because it developes its torque sooner then the 2 stroke.

Its like comparing a gas truck to a newer style diesel, they just have that torque to get their momentum going quick.

The rev xp is quick weather guys like it or not, funny thing is though its not fast. They hit a wall at 100 mph and they don't want to pull much after that at all. If you are on your nytro out on a lake at 70 mph and roll into it you will stay right with the xp.

LOL..........I don't know about them hitting a wall at 100. The guys I test with have seen 110 on gps on a HARDPACK field. Their setup for racing though has slowed them down to just over 100. The Nytro with stock clutching will fall back quick after 200 feet. The stock stuff is not aggressive enough. When mine was still a shorty if traction was even the Nytro was never more then a couple back in 660 and alot of the times my skis never left his running board. They just have more power, plain and simple!

I don't know why people getting their noses so out of joint here? What is the big deal? So what... your Nytro will not beat a XP 800! It is a FACT that a stock machine with less horse power will not beat one with more. I know, I RACED ONE 3-4 times. As for an Apex keeping up with a Mach: Sure maybe they will not get blown out of the water but, they won't win. It is the same simple math. The Mach comes out of the box with 170 hp and the Apex has 150 hp. Their weight is roughly the same, the rest is self explanitory. I also have seen that race a few times... there was nothing but the Mach at the end of the line... but again, WHO CARES? And as far as the Nytro "pulling your arms off" at the end of the run all that matters is the final result, not how you did in the first 100 ft. When is the last time you saw a drag race that was over at 30-40 mph? And as for a race through the trails (which I would consider unsafe and reckless)... that one would be totally up to the driver, not so much the machine. In a trail I could care less if my machine will go 100 mph... the trees seem to be a more pressing issue. I love my sled and it really doesn't matter to me that an XP can beat it... WHO CARES? Regardless, if the math doesn't work for you and common sense doesn't either then race one and find out for yourself. Finally why bother arguing about something as petty as this? It makes no sense... ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVEN'T RACED ONE YOURSELF!
unpride said:
They are all stock XP X's and the suspension is very soft even on the hard settings. The 800's are fast not going to argue with that but out of the box the suspension is just not up to par. I had a Rev 800X last year again stock but the suspension was still soft but not as soft as the XP X's. The 07 XRS was the best big bump sled Ski-Doo has come out with to date to bad they didnt put that suspension in the XP and beef up the chasis maybe I would of actually picked up my spring order X. Instead picked up an RTX and that suspension out of the box is comparible to the XRS as stiff as you want it and can soak up whatever you throw ot it. Both are great first year sleds but there is no way on the XP to stand and keep your feet locked in the toe holds are to far forward and yes the XP did turn better than the Nytro until the Nytro was set up. It used to do everything wrong in the turns now it just plain rails them
ski-doo xp dominates the I-500 race i guss we see which one better in the trails :flag: :flag: :flag:
I am not sure..... but when i have ran with my buddies apex i was right with him.... now with air mods and fuel programer oooh and exhaust i kill him all the way up oook maybe not kill to 100 on the speedo .....pulled three lengths on a dragon 700 to 90 and then he was comin so i stopped .... cant let him beat me
as far as xp dominating........... just got back from the race....... only one in the top 10 it was the winner..... dominating i am not sure if that is correct
walshie said:
I don't know why people getting their noses so out of joint here? What is the big deal? So what... your Nytro will not beat a XP 800! It is a FACT that a stock machine with less horse power will not beat one with more. I know, I RACED ONE 3-4 times. As for an Apex keeping up with a Mach: Sure maybe they will not get blown out of the water but, they won't win. It is the same simple math. The Mach comes out of the box with 170 hp and the Apex has 150 hp. Their weight is roughly the same, the rest is self explanitory. I also have seen that race a few times... there was nothing but the Mach at the end of the line... but again, WHO CARES? And as far as the Nytro "pulling your arms off" at the end of the run all that matters is the final result, not how you did in the first 100 ft. When is the last time you saw a drag race that was over at 30-40 mph? And as for a race through the trails (which I would consider unsafe and reckless)... that one would be totally up to the driver, not so much the machine. In a trail I could care less if my machine will go 100 mph... the trees seem to be a more pressing issue. I love my sled and it really doesn't matter to me that an XP can beat it... WHO CARES? Regardless, if the math doesn't work for you and common sense doesn't either then race one and find out for yourself. Finally why bother arguing about something as petty as this? It makes no sense... ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVEN'T RACED ONE YOURSELF!
Hey walshie, glad you made it to the site and nice meeting you.
First off I think you’ll need to put on some studs to race a studded XP on ice. Its to bad we only had about 1000’ to play with since the tree line came really quick. If I was a betting man and all being equal, I would put the Nytro ahead of the XP for the first 500’ then the XP start realing in from there. I was actually surprised of the XP thinking it would kill everything on snow with the lightweight and 151 hp. A good running Mach Z is still quicker, but not by much. Not really sure whats going on with the XP suspensions since they seem bottomed out with front ends pointing in the air all over the place. I’m glad I didn’t buy one!

What I can't understand is that the FX Nytro has roughly the same hp if not more hp (feels like more) than my last Rev X 800, and ready to ride weight is the same if not marginally lighter with the Yamaha, however, the Rev had quite a bit more top end ??? I remember seeing 180+ kms/hr on the Rev, where I can't see much more than 150 kms/hr on the FX Nytro. Now, there's guys saying that gearing up on the top works, and some say it doesn't, but I still can't see it hitting 180 kms/hr on top end.

What gives ???
I rode this last weekend with a buddy he has a rev 800 136 inch with a pipe, we ran at least 20 times over 2 days and 400 miles no matter what speed we started I jumped him 1/2 to a full sled and stayed their, we both were topping out at about 94 or 95mph.
OH MAN!!! Dano! I am so glad to hear from one of you guys! Yeah I mentioned the fact that I didn't have studs on the page before.... that is like playing football without cleats... lol good to hear from you man!
dakotadigger said:
as far as xp dominating........... just got back from the race....... only one in the top 10 it was the winner..... dominating i am not sure if that is correct

Hey one doesn't need to have facts to quote or spout off something, I mean its the internet... come on!!

1 out of 10 COULD be dominating ...... IF you can't count!
walshie said:
I don't know why people getting their noses so out of joint here? What is the big deal? So what... your Nytro will not beat a XP 800! It is a FACT that a stock machine with less horse power will not beat one with more. I know, I RACED ONE 3-4 times. As for an Apex keeping up with a Mach: Sure maybe they will not get blown out of the water but, they won't win. It is the same simple math. The Mach comes out of the box with 170 hp and the Apex has 150 hp. Their weight is roughly the same, the rest is self explanitory. I also have seen that race a few times... there was nothing but the Mach at the end of the line... but again, WHO CARES? And as far as the Nytro "pulling your arms off" at the end of the run all that matters is the final result, not how you did in the first 100 ft. When is the last time you saw a drag race that was over at 30-40 mph? And as for a race through the trails (which I would consider unsafe and reckless)... that one would be totally up to the driver, not so much the machine. In a trail I could care less if my machine will go 100 mph... the trees seem to be a more pressing issue. I love my sled and it really doesn't matter to me that an XP can beat it... WHO CARES? Regardless, if the math doesn't work for you and common sense doesn't either then race one and find out for yourself. Finally why bother arguing about something as petty as this? It makes no sense... ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVEN'T RACED ONE YOURSELF!

1 out of 10 actually run right and that's in the hands of someone that knows what they are talking about. If you don't think that an Apex can't beat a Mach, then you are in denial. I've scene it done many times. Hell just go over to doo-talk and you will here how hey all got beat, unless they were setup. A sled that has 10hp, can be beat easily if it is not setup right or just F**& from the factory with all of it's settings.
All of this talk about he XP 800? Go ride with a bone stock-unstudded IQ 600 HO cfi with your studded and dialed in Nytro and when its always 1 sled in front or always right next to you and he paid 6 grand otd for a little 600, thats a hard pill to swallow....
unchained said:
All of this talk about he XP 800? Go ride with a bone stock-unstudded IQ 600 HO cfi with your studded and dialed in Nytro and when its always 1 sled in front or always right next to you and he paid 6 grand otd for a little 600, thats a hard pill to swallow....
it a 135hp sled how fast do you except to be if you guys bought this sled for speed you money would have been better spent on a APEX OR F1000 OR A MACHZX OR A 800R
