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O2 sensor part# for closed loop

The issue I had was ECU Master. One just quite the other made strange the whole time it was in use. Sometime seemed right other than taking five minutes of driving it at 6000 rpm to come of of 14.8
If you bought an ecu master last ,January , making strange I’d say change the module, it should be a warranty item

It took the fun out of quite a few rides as your staring at the gauge questioning if it’s working or not

I never did get an answer to the question if it read 14.8 in a false reading for extended periods of time , is it compensating by adding more fuel?

For what it’s worth right now if I was tuning another sled I would have a hard time to spend the extra money. That might change but I doubt it
I have the ECU master as well. What 02 sensor did you end up getting?
I have the ECU master as well. What 02 sensor did you end up getting?
Sorry I thought it was an aem that I had the issue with but reading this thread I have the ecu master

Not sure what o2 sensor came with it

What ever hurricane supplies. The replacement was on warranty or goodwill from hurricane

Sorry for the confusion
A friends SW went through two ECU faster modules that failed before getting an AEM module that has worked fine for all of last and this season now.
