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OFT relocater, heavy steering??


TY 4 Stroke God
Jan 1, 2007
Corner Brook Newfoundland, Canada
2009 Yamaha FX NYTRO XT Express
Ok is it just me or has anyone else installed the oft relocater and found the steering really heavy? It feels like there is a ton more ski pressure since I installed it!

I read all of the reviews, it was the thing to have for the nytro, my sled handled and rode 100% better before the relocater. I read it was a more relaxed position, I think its the opposite! Got back from a ride today and felt like I was fighting my sled, shoulders were gone when I got home. I really don't know what all of the hype is about. Seriously thinking about removing it. I'll put up with the yamaslop to have my easy steering back.

It takes a few rides to get use to the new position, but after that you won't go back. Where do you have you front strap hole? if its not in the factory position put it back.

My suspension strap is in factory setting! No other changes since last year, it feels like a ton more weight on the skis. That was the thing I liked about my sled, it felt super light in the front end.
Maybe you have the bottom mount backward? I read on here that some guys had a problem with getting it in the right position? I guess there's a bevel or angle on one of the pieces?
RobWarrior said:
Maybe you have the bottom mount backward? I read on here that some guys had a problem with getting it in the right position? I guess there's a bevel or angle on one of the pieces?
Lift up the front and see if there's resistance turning the bars. If so you might have the bottom mount installed incorrectly. There is an angle on it that must face the right way along with massaging the 2 bolts slightly plus the bushings have a certain orientation. I guess a few guys have installed them wrong and that's the out come. If not how much do you want for it.....lol
yamabrute said:
If you were to lift the front of the sled off the ground does it move freely? Maybe you have to give it a little emery cloth to loosen it up a bit?

x2 You have to make sure everything is moving freely. Can't just throw parts in it and hope everything works.
I installed the bottom block as per instructions, yes it took a bit of tweaking to get the block to sit flush with the frame.with the front end lifted there is resistance, what do you mean the bushings have a certain orientation? I did not mix up top and bottom bushings, going to take another look at it I guess.
The bushings have to go in a certain way on the bottom bracket. I did mine wrong at first too but caught it before riding it.
The lower blocks are machined with a taper, that needs to be installed in a certain direction. It will go together the other way, but will bind.

The bottom of page 9 on their install sheet

http://oftracing.com/Sled%20Products/Re ... ocator.pdf

shows a picture of what I mean, you can see the mount slants towards the right of the picture.

Edit: Here's a drawing I made


Also page 8 says "We used a 10mm deep socket, and an extension to gently pry the studs forward/downward"
I had the same issue. OFT sent me a set of upper bushings. The first i had installed were machined too tight.
When i loosen the 2 allen bolt, steering was moving freely but when bolts were tight, very hard to turn.
With new bushings, every thing is ok!
Hmmmm...I installed mine last Friday and thought the same thing as above. I sent an email to Rick but no reply yet. This is my second relocator and it is definitely tight. I took everything off and re-installed again, no difference. I put 100 miles on Saturday and my left arm was real tired afterwards.
It is maybe because of holiday because habitually he gets back to us pretty fast!
It is also my second relocator kit and did not had problem with the first one.
The way I figured that the upper bushings were too tight, I loosen the 2 upper bolts that holds the clamp and steering was moving freely...
