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Oil in Intercooler


Sep 23, 2003
Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I have been on this, the coolest site for Turbo Heads.

I have a front mount simons CPR kit on my 2003 RX 1. I am getting oil in the charge tube and a little in the intercooler. Thought this was coming from the breather, that goes into the air filter, but the inside of the aircleaner is clean. So, What could it be? Can this be coming from the turbo? ANy suggestions greatly appreciated.


turbo seals leaking a little bit of oil.. either to high of pressure, or leaky seals.. a little film is kinda normal, just the nature of the beast, but more then a film indicates one of the other issues.
might not be a bad idea to clean all your intercooler pipes out (off of the macine) using carb cleaner, also not sure if the rx1 has a pcv valve but change that. make a few runs and check the pipes again. it could be the turbo seals or (depending on how your vacuume lines are run) blow by in your engine... hopefully not that

The intercooler is pretty clean especially since it was full of gas. Must have a needle stuck or choke stuck because gas was going into the intercooler and engine at a very fast rate. Actually a good thing it didnt start , that could have been a problem. The gas issue happened once before. I plan to look inside the cylinders with my scope and see if anything looks funny. I hope it is just a seal. Where do I get turbo seals? How do I check for blow by?

cylinder leak down test or compression test can check blow by. i have never rebuilt a turbo first hand but i think you can usually send them off and have them rebuilt. what kind of turbo is it?
