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Oil leak on the RX-1


Apr 17, 2003
Upstate NY
I was just wondering if anyone has seen any kind of oil leak on your RX-1 during the summer storage. I have been back to check on my sled a few times this summer and the last time I found a puddle of oil underneath the sled on the right side. I couldn't tell on where it had come from but there was oil in the belly pan. I didn't have time to get a good look at it but I plan on getting it back to the dealer to get whatever the probelm is fixed. I asked them if possibly the heat (stored inside a 4 sled trailer that has both vents open) could some how have made the oil expand and overflow, they didn't think so. I had ridden it at least 400 miles since the last oil change. Any ideas or similar problems?? Also wondering if there should be any coolant showing in the overflow?? I started it up and ran it for a while, w/o the temp light coming on but there was no coolant in the bottle. Never had a problem with the sled for 1500 miles last year but I'm getting a little worried with what has happened since then.

Don't know if its the problem but last year some of the guys were having problems with the O ring on the oil dip stick falling off (orange/red ring) maybe you don't have the proper seal and you have lost some oil this way and it has been sitting and has found its way out? Just a thought.
You should see coolant in the overflow... It is integrated into the system, not a seperate system like your tow vehicle...
