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One last speed run

RX Buck

Lifetime Member
Sep 11, 2003
Grand Rapids MN
2017 Yamaha Sidewinder LTX
Well took the RX for one last speed run this year. I have a black 03 with ecp filter kit and stock clutching. I have a 1.25" track with 144 worn out studs down the middle. The lake was basically glare ice with a little dusting on it. My studs where slipping pretty bad. This is the reason for the very high speedo reading I was getting. I had my GPS with me also, I hit 137 MPH on the speedo and 118MPH on the GPS! I think that is extremely good to an 1.25" track. This was perfect conditions for this kind of test. Looking forward to another season on the RX-1.


1xr what happens when you cook a track. Does the track start falling apart or what.
I have never had the water temperature over 165 deg. when running. I wonder why some people have problems with the overheating.
137 on the spedo and you are getting a gps reading of 118.

I have had a Gms Reading on my ecp kitted warrior of 118 at 128 on the spedo. This was after about a 2 mile run on extreamly hardpack icey snow dragging frrt to cool track before the wot run.

Buck, yes the track started to come apart. It threw large pieces of the lugs off here and there. Also lost several clips, but never seemed to feel the drag of the slides sticking. I ruined the track long before the heat light came on. My dumb mistake.
I was seeing 137 because I was slipping badly. I could tell when a spot of frozen snow was hit because it would grab. Earlier in the year I had it on hardpack and read 131 on the speedo and it was reading 119 on gps. Again, great conditions for that run as well. On looser hardpack snow I can only usually see speedo readings in the low 120's.
I got a chance to ho Tuesday for one of my last runs since i put the bender turbo on a few weeks ago. unfortunately i hadn't gotten a chance to dial it in yet. Buy the time i got rolling it was noon and 53* out. with about 1/4" of soup on the lake. I made 7 runs of 2000' or so and after a few jetting changes and adding some weight to my HH to get the rpms down to 115000 from 112000, i ended up with 151 on the dream meter. It showed 132 on my gps, but that may have been a little high as i noticed that i was only pulling a signal from two satilights instead of the usual 4 or 5. Now i no there is potential for more as i need to get the rpms down quit a bit more, and also i could use much better ice. I'm am going to try and get out early in the mourning before it softens up.
? for u turbo guys. I have the boost turned up to about 12 lbs with full race full. I noticed that when i would run wot, i would only boost to 8 to 9 lbs. When i would take off at 3/4 throttle it boost up to 12. As soon as i went wot, it would drop off back to 8. Is this because I'm running to high of rpms and I'm out the the power range? Or do i have a different problem happening?? Maybe a leak someplace?
