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phaser hesitation

80 ponies said:
SharkAttak, I have gotten 68 mph out of mine so far

68 MPH is 108.8 kph, I saw 130 km/h at 3/4 throttle on a piece of nice trail and it was still pulling but I had to slow down. I thinking around 140-145 km/r tops.


Gas mileage is around 14-15 running hard breaking trail in stubble. As far as top speed I've seen 149km/h, but knock off 5 or 6 for slip I'd imagine ;)! All in all for 80 horse it moves, and I believe there's more if you gear up a bit, the motor can take a little more gear IMO.
phazerfly said:
Gas mileage is around 14-15 running hard breaking trail in stubble. As far as top speed I've seen 149km/h, but knock off 5 or 6 for slip I'd imagine ;)! All in all for 80 horse it moves, and I believe there's more if you gear up a bit, the motor can take a little more gear IMO.

so m.p.h was 92.5? give or take
Just call it a good 90mph, and thats a good realistic # I think. Pretty good for a 500, my '97 Formula 500 I had back in the day wouldn't do any better in stock trim. The big difference was the Formula needed a set of pistons every other weekend or so :o| .
i started mine after month or two of sitting in the garage up north and just waited for the fuel pump to stop and it started instantly
Mine has it, I'll try to get 300 miles on it ASAP when the snow flys so I can get it in for the Service!
I am also very dissapointed with the hard starting after the 2-3 second fuel pump time mine takes 9 to 15 seconds to start. This does not stand to reason with fuel injection but the dealer believes that it is acceptable. After it's warm it fires right up. It was alot of fun to ride......awsome machine 30-60 mph, I would prefer less engine breaking.....your thumb never rests unless you stop....this sled does not need brakes. Its did collect alot of snow, slush and ice on the rear part of the running boards, but I could not feel the weight while I was riding. My FX was to stiff out of the box with almost no transfer, max speed 82mph with a larger windshield.
i have had very little hesitation on my mountain lite. no probs there so far. the had starting could quite possibly be due to oil pressure. yamaha has added a safety feature that does not allow the sled to fire until it has sufficient oil pressure. so out there on the cold days when the oil is thick it will take londer to start.
It should really come alive at around 70 miles. I now have 250 on mine. Now I just hold it wide open at 11300-11500rpm and it goes good. No hesitation. I am riding mostly at 12000+ feet. It needs all the power it can get.
PZ hesitation

My Bro's and I have Phazers,they all start hard and hesitate exactly the same,85mls.They run good with good gas.
