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Phazer updates year to year?

Aug 30, 2011
Churdan, Iowa
13 xtx nytro stage 1 turbo
My 13 year old son has been saving his money all summer for a newer phazer. He has a 99 500 fan phazer he is trying to sell now for the four stroke phazer. I have read about the 07 phazer with the fan issue and seat issue and maybe the sub frame? I am just wanting some good information about what year phazers have what updates done? He should have around 4000.00 dollors to play with after he sells his other phazer. It would be simple to just go buy a new phazer but that is not going to happen.


Cannondale 27
Thanks for the reply. I searched and found that thread and made me think his 4000.00 dollors will not buy a 2012 so that is why I was wondering about the older than 2012 updates. Sorry should of made that more clear. Any ideas about 2008s 2009s or 2010s would be great!
$4000 will buy a 2010 or a updated 07,8,9 for sure. I would hold out for those. Especially the rear suspension if he does any rough trail or jumping. Buying all those updates new and adding them would be to costly to justify.
Not much on that list was done after 2010. Only reason I said 2012 in that post was because it was 2012 when I made the post and I was looking at a new Phazer.
