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PUMP GAS SHOOTOUT St Germain Jan 30,15

Brian Ski

Dec 1, 2014
RX1 Turbo
Check out the rules/regs for the race on Friday NIGHT in St Germain before the Saturday speed run and bikini races. www.radarracers.com (see attached files)


  • PumpGasRegulationsStGermain (1).docx
    3.8 KB · Views: 282
  • pumpgasshootout.REGISTRATIONdocx.pdf
    56.1 KB · Views: 288

'Pump Gas Shootout' format and rules

• Fill out pre-registration form and mail in with proper fees. Check in on Friday January 30th before 2 pm at registration trailer. Or Show up between 12-2pm day of race and fill out form and pay fees (increased fees for day of registration) Limited to first 48 sleds!!

• Sleds will be tech inspected and drivers meeting will be at 2:00

• Sleds will be led out to group fueling area, fuel up, and ride out BY three pm.

• All riders will stay in group and must complete the ride without any tuning or adjusting. Any sled unable to complete ride or caught making changes without approval will be disqualified. There will be spotter riders along to assist any down sleds.

• Racers will be led back to track by 3:30 pm. At that time sleds will be lined up. Drivers to meet at starting line for driver meeting.

• Sleds will raced off in double elimination fashion. Each sled must return to their line up spot. Once two losses are acquired, only then may the sled leave the paddock and go where they please.

Race will be on groomed snow, 660', two lane.
The track will be running beforehand for testing as part of the Friday practice runs for $5 per fun run.

All sleds will come as near empty as possible. The fueling station is nearby and all sled will need to FILL the fuel tank and should be at least 8 gallons (6 gallons Simons turbo tanks). 93 octane Max.

No Meth, No Stutter or two step boxes, No Octane booster, No chisels or picks.

Turbo and supercharger ok. OEM or aftermarket. NOS ok. Changing tanks will discussed at meeting, and if allowed, only with supervision!

Must complete the ride legally, stay in group, have working tail light and headlight, no suspension strapping or slamming, MUST have working tether, trail studs, and be trail capable and legal. If you are stopped and cited, your disqualified. We understand most will have aftermarket exhaust and parts, most of which you drive on trail daily. If it’s that obvious, it'll not be a trail sled. The idea is the fastest trail sled on pump gas.

Any sled jumping the start or crossing the lane line is a loss of round.

All drivers will be ready to run and if not ready in the two minutes allowed, the other sled will get a bye run they must complete for the win. In the event neither sled makes it to the line in time, both will lose the round.

No alcohol consumption allowed during competition.
Tech vest highly encouraged.
Conditions shaping up, we've been testing out there already! A number of pre-registrations are in, send yours in soon!
