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Putting new Track on Nytro


The Pen is Blue
Nov 26, 2009
McHenry, IL
Sr Viper XTX SE
Having questions on what size track I want to put on the Nytro. I pulled some picks out and decided it times for a new track with much more aggressive lugs. I have the stock track now, I ride trails and am off trail alot. Also water cross short distances. What would you guys suggest? 1.375? 1.5? 1.75?

LOVE my backcountry 1.75! Really feels like it digs in on trails, seemed to finally hookup well with the extra lug height because of all the torque in the motor. Seemed to do well off trail to was going places I never could have before. I also dropped a tooth on my big gear. Goodluck

X2 Sorenson's view.

I picked up the Intese from Yami's Catalog for my xtx but after buying the MTX, I decided to keep the xtx stock so my buddy picked it up for his XTX. My bad. The 1.5 Intense is vastly superior to the Ripsaw. Period.

After driving his sled quite a few times, three things come to mind.

1. Its quiet. Where most paddles and longer lugs have a tendency to vibrate, this one is silky smooth.
2. Traction. On one of the trips we encountered some long stretches of hard pack / ice on the trails. We had a studless XTX ripsaw and a 1.75 Renegade 1200 with us. These two had to back off on every corner as they were just too trecherous to take at speed. The Intense stayed with the studded guys all day. Can't explain it, but it simply hooked up in corners.
3. Powder performance. Its pretty good. Unless you are in bottomless powder it will take you everyhere. It will work in bottomless too, but only on the flats. Any grade and it will start to trench.

I think you have to balance off the split between trail/off trail and the kind of snow you can expect. If you run marginal trails getting to your riding areas, the 1.75 will need scratchers, the 1.5 less so. If you are mostly riding on set up snow, both tracks are comparable. If you want to go out west, the 1.75 won't cut it.

Maybe the guys with 1.5's can chime in on their experience with this track, but it makes me wonder why Yami never decided to use it as the stock track.

My 2 cents

I have never tried the Intense but I have had a 1.375" Cobra on my Attak and my Nytro now and I love it. Hooks up way better than the ripsaw and works good off trail too. I know a lot of guys love the 1.75" Backcountry too. The way the MI winters have been lately the Cobra has been more than enough track. I ride about 50/50 on and off trail.
Snakebit said:
Agree with MaineXTX. The 1.75 BackCountry is like adding 20hp to the sled.

X3! I run the backcountry race track on one of my sleds. I previously had the backcountry trail.
Both tracks work really good, but its even better hook up with the 90 durometer race track.

You can't go wrong either way..
1.5 intense is a great all around track. I didn't do extro drivers just the track. Trail riding the traction difference compared to rip saw is day and night. Powder wise it does very well, rip saw is a joke in powder. I couldn't be happier with the 1.5 intense 121".
I wnet to 136 tipped up with the intense and was very happy with it this past season. And like OTM said i was suprised at how quiet the track was. On and off trail performance was much better than the ripsaw. i didnt have studs and didnt feel out of control at all. Its a great track for trail and a little off trail exploring. Ive ridden a cobra track too and it is also a good track but i liked the intense better.
1.25 Predator is a GREAT trail track that does well in loose snow. Shorter lugs and very tough - making it ideal for studding
1.375 Sno Pro track, same as Predator but slightly taller = better in loose snow, but also still very tough so its great for studding < my track of choice.
1.5 Intense - About as close as you can get to a perfect 50/50 track, clearance on nytro is a little tight to stud, but you could put in some 8 tooth extrovert drivers, then have enough clearance to run studs.
Also, if you really want to do some off-trail riding, you can find a 2" challenger that is notched, and throw that in there. I believe they are discontinued tho, so they're getting harder to find... or just notch a regular 2" challenger
Thanks for the reponses, Im starting to learn towards the 1.5 that being that i ride both trail and off trail
I've got 4 seasons and 6000+ miles on a USED 1.5 Crossover. It was run on a supercharged sled before I got it. Ran it 2 yrs. on my Attak and now 2 on my Apex XTX. Still looks and hooks just like it did when I bought. it. I would reccomend it to anyone looking for a durable trail/offtrail track.
Went to a intense rack last year. Great traction, much better than "1.25 ripsaw. Didn't do the extroverts. Will do it this year, found some ratcheting with the intense track.
