Rattling clutch?!!??

How?, i know the 4 syl doesnt rattle. But the viper does rattle a bit, the sidewinder has a new engine?
How?, i know the 4 syl doesnt rattle. But the viper does rattle a bit, the sidewinder has a new engine?

I was told there is little to no rattle.. the rest is up to you and what you consider a rattle... it is a snake so maybe it needs to rattle...LOL
Was with a buddy last night and his 2016 viper was rattling, not as bad as my nytro but noticable.

Seeing as the sidewider uses the same stub shaft from what I can see, it will rattle lol
Was with a buddy last night and his 2016 viper was rattling, not as bad as my nytro but noticable.

Seeing as the sidewider uses the same stub shaft from what I can see, it will rattle lol

All clutches will rattle some at idle, quieter the sled, the more you notice it.
New roller secondary , primary looks like it didn't change, they only rattle a bit when idling.
Primary looks different too, has new buttons ,the castings not only look smoother, they have a more squared off look like they re-structured them. Maybe for strength.
Little rattle never hurt anything, what's the big deal. The rattle is heard because everything else quieter. I added the quiet kit from schmidts to my primary, it's a little quieter but it didn't really bother me before. I don't hear it when I'm running 180km/h across a lake,just the sweet sound of the 4 cylinder.
New roller secondary , primary looks like it didn't change, they only rattle a bit when idling.
From what I can see on the primary for change was the slider shoe on each side of the spider towers,now they are round button type like poo has,as the tolerance losens up,you could get some rattle at idle from the spider to tower being now loser than when new,but cats primary was the worst one I had ever heard on my 13 turbo,and some of it was the ramps being untucked,in neutral,or idle.
