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Rear crossover coolant pipe loose.


Oct 18, 2005
montreal/Quebec Canada
Just noticed that the rear crossover coolant pipe is all loose. Rivets all broke off i just used tie wrapped to tie the pipe so it does rub any longer on the lower bracket

I found mine rattling against the aluminum tunnel and nearly rubbed it through. I put in a couple rubber wegdes to stop the vibration. worked so far .
Honk said:
I found mine rattling against the aluminum tunnel and nearly rubbed it through. I put in a couple rubber wegdes to stop the vibration. worked so far .
It also looked like mine was rubbing right through , glad i caught it in time !
I wonder what the next suprise will be ?
quebec#1 said:
Just noticed that the rear crossover coolant pipe is all loose. Rivets all broke off i just used tie wrapped to tie the pipe so it does rub any longer on the lower bracket

Caught mine at 8000 miles. Replaced with steel rivets. Also put tie wraps on lower bracket in case they ever came loose again.
Same here caught mine in time, re-riveted and it was loose again after 300 miles so I took some radiator hose and slit it and wedged it in the sides and it worked perfect for the last 1000 miles.
