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Reverse or No Reverse, that is the question


Aug 24, 2006
Anyone know how much weight reverse will add to a Nytro.
I ordered a RTX and want to keep it as lite as possible, I ordered it without reverse.
Do you think that was a mistake?

[Do you think that was a mistake?[/quote]

only if you have to back up. The good news is you will not have to worrie about backing your flap.
I nver had revers and after my last sled which was an apex mtn.I said I would never own a sled without reverse again.But withthese sleds getting lighter I don't think I would get revers.You can't use it when your stuck most of the time.In a couple " of snow you can't use it because you will rip the snow falp off.About the only plave it's good for is off the trailer or parking lot or garage.So I don't think I would get reverse.I don't think it's a mistake for me it's easy to throw the back end around.I'm in shape to do that maybe in 10,15 years i might think differntly
08NitroRTX said:
The Yamaha site list the reverse model as weighting 7 pounds more than a non-reverse model.
One 'could' make most of that up by getting a lighter Gel battery, or any number of light weight parts that should be available by the time these sleds start showing up into owner’s hands

7 pounds is not much for what your getting, I could just skip some chessburgers and save that. :-o
Agreed! Comming from doo, It'll be hard for me to ever have a sled with out reverse. No it will not get you out of something you drove into. But the ease of backing out of a pick up, off a trailer, making a three point turn in even the tightest trails, (packed)
There are very simple and cheap ways to keep your flap from getting caught up in the track.
Reverse = Far less back pain by yanking and pulling!
It's handy, I really can take it or leave it though. But it is useful, and the few lb's it adds you'll never notice.

Probably the biggest reason I get reverse? Simply, resale. A reverse machine is MUCH easier to sell.
I gues my biggest reason is I like to get top mph out of my sled and that is a little more drag probaly only 1 or 2mph but every litttle bit counts.
After having reverse on the last two sleds, i would probably get the reverse. It is really handy in the garage and unloading off the trailer..... it wont get you unstuck, but will allow you to finish a u turn on the trail as well.
In this day and age honestly, do you think a few pounds is going to make any difference in riding your sled? I don't think so. If you are snowcross racing or lake racing, maybe, but we ride every day sleds. Do what make it more fun.
Just got back from a late spring ride in the UP. We were off-trail and boonedocking, had to turn around several times due to dead ends, both of our sleds had reverse and we never had to pick up the rear (read:wet snow packed suspensions) ends once! Also I was riding a Renagade and we came up to a 3-4' deep creek, that was 12' wide. As I was easing down the bank...hoping to give her the onion and pop up the front end to skip the span, I dropped a ski loop under an 8" log, I was fortunate to have the RER as I was able to back up only about 16" but it was far enoungh to pull back from under the log, and then was able to rope the ski loop and get it on top of the log in order to make the crossing. The RER really weighs nothing but even if it had..... the extra 8-10 lbs saved us a couple of hours of greef in the cold water!
To buy a 4-stroke yamaha without reverse is like buying an inboard ski boat without reverse, ya, I could grab a paddle and struggle to get off the trailer, and heave and push away from the dock, and yes I probably could always swing into the dock and ensure myself an easy exit in forward, but why???? Everyone else has reverse.........

Just my two cents, 7 lbs. is a gallon of gas, right? Can you tell the difference in how your sled handles and the top speed difference after riding the sled 20 miles from the gas pump?

I personally will never buy a sled without electric start and reverse. Just not worth it, even if you never use the reverse, resale is worth it alone.
I think that every sled should have electric start and reverse as std equipement. I know guys will say that they want the lightest sled on snow but hell this is 2008! When I see someone pull starting thier sleds I can't help but laugh. When we were up north touring this past Winter there were two guys without ES among the eight of us. While the rest of us pushed a button or turned a key to start our sleds on those very cold mornings the two guys would be pulling and pulling just to loosen up thier engines. Then spend some more time to get them started. Maybe I'm getting old but I think that once you have ES, reverse and mirrors on your sled they become a necessity just like hot grips and heated shields.
With efi, pull start works fine. The efi CAT's I ride with start 2-3 pulls, even below zero. The poor phazer doesn't even start that nicely. Now on the reverse topic, I think almost every sled should have it(saves the back(
