Riden hard and put away wet!!!

Yup! We started in barrie and looped to coldwater and midland. My buddy's nytro is one of a kind for the wrap.
Trails look good going up in the morning to do that run
That was on the way home near the barrie club house ! We went out at 9am and we were second one on the trail since grooming the night before. Trail was real stiff almost to stiff but huge traction.
We also got out today and ran from Lindsay up to Halliburton and back. Trails were in great shape. Lots of snow there but nothing close to the dumping in gravenhurst and surrounding areas. Kids hockey and dance now for the rest of the weekend so she's out away until next week. We were going to run the horseshoe area today. Did they get the same snow that gravenhurst got.
I was focused on buying a sidewinder next year but now i'm thinking of slapping a turbo and keeping it! I really like this sled the more I ride just say f*!& it mod this one! My viper has been flawless and I'm not easy on her what so ever!
That was on the way home near the barrie club house ! We went out at 9am and we were second one on the trail since grooming the night before. Trail was real stiff almost to stiff but huge traction.
Awesome glad to hear
BTW that is my wife in the pic!! She just had to match her sled this year!!! third suit in 3 years:o|
another great day trails are freshly groomed and hard!!!!!!
we did a few lake runs
wife's stock zr7000 152kph(sandales pipe)
my viper was topping out at 165kph
I was pulling 3 sled length on her from take off!:-o haaha that should shut her up this season!!!:moon:
Pretty sure I saw that sled in Barrie today.

We passed by you guys, you may remember hearing my buddies viper with the Sandale exhaust.
Was that first thing in the morning at the T by the club trail?
I guess you were on the cat? My buddy could feel his fingers yet after unloading that's why we were stopped! LOL
I guess you were on the cat? My buddy could feel his fingers yet after unloading that's why we were stopped! LOL

Good memory! Yeah no kidding about the cold hands, it was a chilly start.
