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riser's for apex?


Nov 30, 2008
Macomb MIchigan
lookig to go a little taller with my handlebar riser . but lil unsure , comming off a nytro you could only go so far without needing a new throttle cable ....any concern for that here and can anyone sugest a type or model?

I added the 3 1/2" rox pivot riser, intitally had no problems with the bars pivoted forward, when I moved the bars back a bit I began to have TORS issues when I turned the bars, added the mountain cable to resolve the problem. Nice riser! Now comfortable when I need to stand in the rough stuff or powder.
Rox Riser

Several of us that own Apex's added on the a Rox 2" riser and that was pretty good. No need of longer cables no TORS issues and is decent for standing and riding when needed. Easy to install as well.
added 2" rox riser with no troubles. Much more comfortable, sittting or standing
I have 2 inch rox riser on my 07 rtx. Yes they bolt right on top of existing stock riser bar. I had to reroute one of my cables (was twisted with other cables) and that was it.It would engage throttle at full steering lockout a little before i rerouted.A added benifit is they really look nice on the sled. I almost hated covering up with bar pad.,but i did. You do have to shave a little foam from pad to make fit right.
I have a 8" Powermadd riser with a 1.25" adapter...which is about 9.25" of riser...I'd say thats about max!! I love it when I stand up its perfect, no more back ache.
i used a 2" powermadd under my factory riser, got some bolts from a phazer mountain and good to go...had to notch the bottom of the powermadd to fit the chrome ring...works good for me no problems...
antpal22 said:
lookig to go a little taller with my handlebar riser . but lil unsure , comming off a nytro you could only go so far without needing a new throttle cable ....any concern for that here and can anyone sugest a type or model?

I put the monsterworks motion riser on "10 version which put the bars 2.75" higher than stock. I rerouted the throttle under the bars and have full range (forward & pulled back, Left & right) with no problems. So I think 3" overall rise would be the limit before a new cable is required.
I have the 2" Rox riser. I find it much more comfortable sitting down and doing a little standing. This weekend we stood for hours on some really miserable trails and the 2" just did not cut it. I will be going to a 3 1/2" or 4" riser within the week. Oh and I needed the mountain cable for the 2" riser.
