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RX-1 Max RPM 8,500 and 85 MPH


Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Madison WI
I have a stock 04 RX-1 with 4900 miles that I just purchased. It is fast up to 7,000 RPM and 60 MPH then seems to bog with a max RPM of 8,500 and 85 MPH. I changed the belt with no change. It was previously driven by a female who I don't think ever went over 60 MPH. The motor seems to be running fine is not missing. I think I have a clutch Issue but I'm not sure.
You air breather may be iced up or clogged. YOu have a power jet or main jet partially blocked.
If it was carb problem It would miss. It acts like shifting a car into a high gear early and it doesn’t have the power to speed up. To me it is acting like the primary is closing way too early like shifting in high gear and the motor can't pull the load at that RPM. Wouldn't this happen if the primary spring is weak or broken?
Check your clutch weights for grooves in the back of them at a single place. Comes from running sled at one continuous speed as if you had cruise control. It will cause these kinds of problems.........along with blowing numerous belts at $85/pop or so....... :o|
You should be seeing ~ 10,200 - 10,500 RPMs when you got the two clutches all working and adjusted correclty.

You specific problem could be as simple as the secondary clutch spring allowing the secondary to shift up prematurely. This would be putting you in high gear too early, as you describe.

I would go through both clutches and put new springs in both too. Then you know what is not the problem (i.e. the clutches). Then, you can go on to looking for other potential problems (e.g. like carbs, etc.) if the thing still will not rev up properly.
