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School me on communicators...please.

I'm actually quite interested in this. Our group purchased 12 Collett communicators about 8 years ago and really liked them. A few of us are still running them, but they are getting old and I have been thinking of getting a newer unit.

To me it seems to be mostly between collett and HJC's Chatterbox for commnuication
The Chatterbox seems more of what I'd like after reading info on it this morning. Lot's of accessories to rig it up the way you like and need.
CaptCaper said:
Do you still like these for snowmachineing? What's the difference between the XBi2's or XBi for the X1?
We still use the X=1, I have not heard of the XBi models so I can not comment on thier compatability. I still stick with my high recomendation for the Chatterbox model, they are hands down the best units we have tried, even the older models were better than the collett 900's. I saw you asking about batterey life before, The Chatterbox has a rechargable internal battery, so there is no extra wires hanging from your helmet and the battery will last you 3 days in cold temps. I tried this on our last trip, i fully charged the first night and used it for 3 days without a recharge. Just remember you are not going to be able to hold a conversation while running down the trail at higher speeds but the range is good and sound quality is best i have found.
Will the X1 be able to warn a rider close right behind me without any lag in seconds of danger like water bars,rider coming to give them ample warning?
When you say" I won't be able to hold a conversation while running down the trail at higher speeds" whatt does that pertain too? Battery life? Trannsmission problems?

Thanks sledheadd
CaptCaper said:
Will the X1 be able to warn a rider close right behind me without any lag in seconds of danger like water bars,rider coming to give them ample warning?
When you say" I won't be able to hold a conversation while running down the trail at higher speeds" whatt does that pertain too? Battery life? Trannsmission problems?

Thanks sledheadd
With the wind noise in you helmet and engine noises all going on when the microphone is activated it all get picked up and can be sometimes hard to ubderstand what someone is saying. the slower you are traveling the easier it is to hold a conversation. If you are running 80 mph on a railraod grade do not expect to hear much, of course my hearing is shot so maybe my wife can chime in on this part.
There is no lag in the conversation, we use it to warn each other all the time, trail problems, sleds coming or group problems, plus Pumping the ipod into it for all day riding music!
Hi...I'm Sledd's wife... :)

As he said - there is NO lag in what is being said. And depending on the "length" of the conversation, you will have some problems. It's not meant for having a conversation about your every day stuff (ie - kids, weather, holiday plans, etc... :) ) It works great for finding out where everyone is and has a range of up to 5 miles depending on the tree coverage that you are in, the thicker the trees, the less range. You just have to becareful not to say something at the same time as another user. But they are very clear and extremely easy to use. I have no problems what-so-ever hearing anything my husband says unless he has marbles in his mouth and mumbles... LOL

Earlier this season, we were in Grand Marais and part of the group that I was with got ahead of a different group with my husband, he was able to get a hold of me and have me wait with part of the group until he caught up. Later we found out he was at least 3 miles behind us.

It also works great when out with a bunch of people who don't have communicators, you put one with in the front and one with at the end, and you don't have to worry about losing anyone in the middle.

And as he said in a earlier post...it's true...the time we tried the collettes, I ripped it off my helmet after about 10 miles. It was tinny in sound and had an aweful range, if we were in twisty trails and he got too far ahead in the woods, he couldn't hear anything I was saying.

I hope this helps with some of you questions, I will keep an eye on the thread for any others!

Jen - Sledds Snow Girl
I have used the Chatter boxes since 95, on my sport bike and also on sleds,
I think I still have a couple old models, always worked very well.
Range was good and easy to use. They are pretty durable, have had a couple crashes in the deep snow and they have continued to work. Work great for our groups, what way they want to go, where to eat, if some one is having sled issues, or we off trail alot sometimes we lose each other because we see different areas we want to play in.
RE: Communicators

My buddy and I used the Colletts a couple of years ago. We found the range very poor. We tested on a lake on a sunny day and it really dropped after 1/10 mile apart. We sent them in to get checked and they added a wire antenna. We could not find any improvement. We really wanted them to work because we liked the compact size and ease of use. We finally sold them and purchased Chatterboxes. The Chatterboxes are a bit bulky and the mounting brackets are not the best solution for some helmets (I have a Bombardier ModII and I mounted it with Velcro) but the range is good.
Thanks all. I ordered 2 sets of X1B today for my wife and me. I'll start out with what comes in the box and go from there to see what I'd like.
Do you guys use the push to talk? or does the Vox work for us being 4 strokes.
I use the vox, but it depends on how loud sleds are. there is a sensitivity know on the side I turn it all the way down when at speed. If you are going fast and you use push to talk there is just to much wind noise that the other people probably wont understand you anyway.
Nice...I can't wait to check it out.
Another question while listing to an Bluetoothed IPod and you have to make a warning to a rider behind can this be done fairly fast? What would have to be done to do this? Push a button or just speak into the mic?
As soon as you talk or push the button your music will stop and you can communicate immediately!
All around it seems the Chatterbox is one of the best for snomachine use. With it's NiCad battery.
Li-Po batteries others have don't last long in years measurement and don't store well at all. They don't work well in the cold either.
I don't care about the Groomer Beaon. Nice but a lot of groomers don't have them anyway. We don't here in my town so you can't rely on it. Best to be on guard and keep speed down.
A rider was killed here years ago by hitting a groomer but he was ruled speeding by the state of NH after looking at the evidence. His lawyer tried sueing the helmet people as well. I doubt if he had any luck.
