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School me on communicators...please.

sleddheadd said:
As soon as you talk or push the button your music will stop and you can communicate immediately!

Got the units today. Getting the battery in was tricky. Not much room.

I have a question. What is the difference between PTT and Intercom buttons functions?
CaptCaper said:
sleddheadd said:
As soon as you talk or push the button your music will stop and you can communicate immediately!

Got the units today. Getting the battery in was tricky. Not much room.

I have a question. What is the difference between PTT and Intercom buttons functions?
I am not 100% sure but I am guessing that the intercom is for when you are riding double, you can just run a cord that will connect both riders. That would be used for your 2 up sleds and touring motorcycles. All of the info. should be in your manual. Be sure to post how you like them after you get a chance to try them on the trail!
Just got back from a ride with them and they work so awesome. Totally pleased. They assembled well and installed into helmets (2 different types) and are loud and clear. Rode about 75 miles in 10 deg temps or so and talked alot to adjust Vox just right. Battery was still full charged it seems.
Thanks for all the info.
Funny thing is we had bought Midland Walkie Talkies with Midland headsets. The Midland's were as much $$ or more then the Chatterbox headsets but the Midland headsets crapped out real fast. The connection to the ear pieces and mics were aweful and it pulled apart fast. Coudn't hear them either once you started going.
Hey guys,

How are you liking your chatterboxes? Most other threads on other sites like the colletts, but it seams this site likes the chatterboxes. We have gone with out communicators for the better part of a decade now. I miss being able to radio the leader to stop for what ever reason and the warnings from the front. Since my usual spot in the group is the sweeper, I'm considering picking up a couple communicators just to help manage the group.

We had chatterboxes back in the early 90s and Motorola talk abouts. The chatterboxes back then worked well when they worked, but you had to hot glue any unused port or opening water could get into. They also lasted about 2-4 years before finally crapping out. Can anyone vouch for the quality? Since this thread is a few years old, I'd like to know if they continue to hold up for you.

The Motorola radios worked, but were a pain with all the wires and the range was junk. I'm tempted to get a Bluetooth rig for my helmet (again chatterbox?) and some Bluetooth enabled ham radios. Range would theoretically rock... Thoughts?
I had Collets and they now sit on the shelf, wasted money terrible range. I hated the VOX and if I ever go back to a communicator I am thinking I want PTT. Secondly no one uses communicators anymore around here so there is no point. Most often heard in the day was Sh t, Sh t, Sh t. Next often heard was Fu k, Fu k, Fu k!
Chatterboxes are great. Just make sure they are tightly mounted to your helmet and be careful not to bang them around too much because the helmet clip is the weak spot. Also, with the vox, you need to train yourself to say a buzz word or something to get the microphone going before you make your statement or the first words are going to be cut off. Finally, you need to be pretty attentive to the vox level or people will hear your engine all day. It just takes a little practice, but great units.
I'm strongly considering getting some. Only problem is our helmets. I'm using a BVS2. I'm wondering if the colletts microphone will work with the chatterbox radio. I have no idea what impedance the mic is and what the chatterbox is designed for. I highly doubt the manufactures will provide that info...
Do you plan on splicing very small wires? I'm guessing the plugs are different. Chatterbox are made by HJC. It used to be that HJC helmets had small little "pockets" that were designed to hold the earphones (which are about the size of a thick half dollar coin). The microphone/speakers come wired together. You route the mic to the front of your helmet and Velcro it in place. All the wires get tucked into the helmet between the padding and the shell, as much as possible. They actually give you a popsicle stick to do this. The unit clip jams in between the shell and padding and gets clamped down with allen screws. This part is critical. Get it right or your unit can fall off and the person behind you might run it over. Don't ask me how I know that.
Yes, small wires don't scare me. Electrical Electrical engineer... I'm tracking how its intended to mount, the problem is the modular helmet I'm using. I know there have been people who have made them work on my helmet, but it seemed hokey when reading on other forums. If the mics have similar impedance for the two different brands, I'll just splice the connectors...
anymore real world reporting on this? I'm looking for a set of communicators and seemed to be leaning toward Collett but some say good and others say bad. Also considered the Sena 20S systems. Tough to get a good feel on the brands performance. I'm just interested in longest clearest ability to communicate.
This year we "upgraded" to the Chatterbox X1 slim Bluetooth. The units are smaller and lighter and the helmet clip is much different. The previous speakers I had were pretty big and dug into my ears sometimes. The new speakers are much thinner. Battery life is outstanding. Here is the issue. I'm pretty sure that Chatterbox has quality control issues. My unit crapped out after one ride. The VOX would not activate the unit. All the other units in our group require the VOX almost all the way up to transmit. Under warranty, I got a replacement unit. This unit, the VOX is VERY sensitive and activates at 1/4 setting. Could be a problem with a loud sled as engine noise would always activate it. Chatterbox is famous for making their parts obsolete as quickly as possible. Their units also seem to age in dog years. They will tell you that the newest model has already been out three years. One other thing is that if you are listening to music on your phone via Bluetooth, every time you shut something off you have to re-establish your Bluetooth connection. That gets old.

There are some Colletts for sale on Johndee.com but I know nothing about them.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm doing some research on UClear too. Been hearing some good stuff about those.
Never wanted communicators until I tried a set while riding with my wife. Now that I have a set I wont ride without them. I bought the Sena 10s due to the size and functions. As for an earlier comment about the battery not lasting, is the farthest from the truth. I have rode all day long with the music playing and talking with my wife intermittently. I ride with a group of guys that have the chatterbox systems. They cant get over the size and ease of my communicator compared to theirs. I bought the dual pack for less than four hundred dollars and use it in the summer while we ride motorcycles and then while we ride sleds. NO complaints about the units at all. I will say riding in the mountains the range does shorten, but think that is with all. Put your hands on a set, any brand before you purchase them. I definitely would lean towards the Sena's. The 20s are the newer version than the 10s, but would recommend either. I think sena now has a new version out or coming out, 30.
