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secondary play .... ?


Feb 10, 2009
Alberta, Canada
someone do me a favour and grab your secondary ... turn it to the right by hand until the slack is gone .... the turn it to the left until the slack is gone ...... how much play are you having between? Mine seems like a lot.

just got her all back together and on the first ride after installing the new powerclaw ...... I have a "whirring" noise that I can't explain ...... worried that i have not put something back properly ... but everything seems to work as it should ...... but this noise ???

track too tight?
something with the secondary play??

stumped ........ ideas?

If your sled has reverse, it is normal for there to be lot of back and forth movement. It is because of the clearance in the engagement "dogs" in the bottom gears, for reverse. If I remember correctly mine has at least an inch measured at the outer diameter of the secondary clutch.
For your noise, I would re-check the chain tension, and track tension/alignment. If everything checks out, then it's most likely a different sound because of the track lug pattern. Each track design has it's own noise pattern. Kinda like different tires on a truck.
I backed off the chain tension a bunch ... seems good now. Wish you could take the case cover off like I could on the old Indy ...... much handier for setting the cain tension .......

thanks for the help ... again!!

well...i had the same question, i have my e brake on and I was seting the track tension on my new CE and discovered the same play as I was pulling the track from forward to reverse. I did tighten up the chain as well with little or no difference. happy to hear it is normal...I have a lot of riding planned for this week!! Also found it very noisy going down the trail...definitely different track...100% improvement in the deep stuff...and the Timbersled suspensing..fantastic...lost 40 lbs without me going on a diet!!

I also blew a belt this past wkend, I only had about 400 k on it. just wondering about the play on the secondary, it has about 2-3 mm of sideways play on it? is the normal?

Only 400k? Was it a yammy belt? seems odd ... I'm at 1200k on the same belt and it still looks pretty good...... I have about 2mm play too..... no play will make you wear belts faster than too much play. On my old Summit I used to take 2 washers off the secondary so it would have more play ... worked well for saving belts as it was a bit of an eater...

Fort McLeod ..... heading to Crowsnest? I have a buddy in Fernie .... we meet 1/2 way on the pipeline .... great area.... and an easy drive from Calgary.
yea..Yammy belt!! 1st one lasted about that 1,200k.then the last 2 have been 400k...not sure wats goin down..running stock engine...cleaned up all the left over belt (BTW not much when ur doin 110 k) and inspected all the clutch parts, all looks good..no play anywhere..alignment looks good...going to put on a new Yammy belt tommorow and go ridin...!!

yep mostly riding West Castle, Allison Creek and Corbin. Going down to Whitefish MT for 10 days on Wednesday...kids sking and the big boys sleddin...great area as well AND cheap beer.

always looking for more sledding buddies...!!

I went for a rip on some local trail area this weekend, but was still not happy with the "whine" coming outta the chaincase. When I got back I pulled off the cover just to satisfy my own "wonderings" ..... you always better understand things the second time around! I think I was running the chain still too tight. In reality, the finger-tight is enough, as the chain sits snug in/on the gears as it is .... (the oil was pretty dark already too ... seems odd) I backed 'er right off, finger-tight and no more ... new oil ... sounds better.

400k eh ...... I better pack another extra belt just in case! I should have broken a new one in on those trails ...... before I need it in the hills.

I'll be sure to drop you a line if we are heading south some weekend .... at least for beers if not snow!
