RTX Meirda
TY 4 Stroke Master
I bought a used set of Simmons and am ready to try them out.
There is a set of carbides on them already and they are staggered.
I assume that the longer carbides go on the outside?
There is a set of carbides on them already and they are staggered.
I assume that the longer carbides go on the outside?
TY 4 Stroke Guru
Guys running staggered carbides generally run the longer one on the inside. I like to run equal lengths. The cost isn't that much more and to me running staggered kinda defeats the purpose of a dual runner ski in terms of darting. The longer runner is going to have more bite/drag on that half of the ski and it would seem to me that would make darting more of an issue. I run 4.5 in 60 degree Stud Boy Shapers on all 4 bars. JMO, but it works for me and I have zero darting on any trail conditions and no push in the corners, except in slush.