Stryke Carbides (Production)

Did you end up running the factory carbides? I also changed to the Stryke skis on a RTX Viper with a studded track, 2 per row. I have tried both Woody’s doolys and Bergrstrom 6” single carbides with their ski saver. I have not found a setup that I like. The Dolly’s tend to push and the single carbides were very twitching heavy steering and darted a little. I also have a viper LTX. I put ski doo 5.7 skis on this sled and it handles fantastic, like power steering.

Doolys are known to be pushers or any twin keel for that mater will push. The snow packs up between them and its push city.

Bergstroms I never liked either, WAY overrated and the with the ski savers tend to push also.

My 23 LTX-LE came with the staggered twin carbide, but using the new fairly deep rectangle carbide welded on the flat steel plate, they are made by Woodys for Cat. The older version for Cat used to just be the thinner more rounded bar is what I recall. I had an old 2012 Cat and this is what I remember of them. They help with darting a bit in groomed trail, but still not the answer for hard pack or ice when it darts around still. Does a good job of protecting the keel though in low snow conditions.
Did you end up running the factory carbides? I also changed to the Stryke skis on a RTX Viper with a studded track, 2 per row. I have tried both Woody’s doolys and Bergrstrom 6” single carbides with their ski saver. I have not found a setup that I like. The Dolly’s tend to push and the single carbides were very twitching heavy steering and darted a little. I also have a viper LTX. I put ski doo 5.7 skis on this sled and it handles fantastic, like power steering.

My setup is an RTX with no studs. I took 2 trips this year at about 800 miles each with the Stryke skis. Both trips I used a 2.5 shim under the rear of the ski and 0 in the front. The first trip I used a 4” round bar and it was a bit too darty especially on decel when weight would transfer forward, but I didn’t have any issues at all with push. There was very little fresh snow while on this trip, but it was overly warm so loose trails were common in the afternoon.

For the second trip, I used the staggered 3 bar carbides. I had significant ski lift with these and I eventually dialed it out by decreasing the center spring preload by about 3 turns and increasing the ski preload by 1 turn. After this, it was pretty good with a very controllable (by throttle) push on long fast sweepers, but still maybe a bit on the heavy side for steering. I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t be using the shim in the rear as that’s probably contributing to the heavy steering.
