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SK CAN residents: $1000 REWARD for Stolen Phazer - Saskatoon

Chris K

Mar 21, 2007
Saskatoon SK CAN
I live on Diefenbaker Drive in Saskatoon SK CAN.
Some SOB(s) decided they needed my '08 RTX (blue with ZERO miles) more than me.
And the police told me snowmobiles have a way of slipping through the cracks so I shouldn't get my hopes up. That wouldn't have bothered me so much except they wouldn't even send an officer by to have a look at the crimescene. If I find any evidence or leads I'm supposed to contact the police. UNREAL!!! I'm forced to do this myself.

So... that said, I'm offering...
$500 for the return of my machine (in good condition of course) and
$500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the assclown(s) responsible.

Thanks for hearing me out, and if you live in the Saskatoon area, at least do me a favor and keep your eyes peeled this season.


You really need to post some pictures that can identify this sled. You must have the vin or whatever else you can give us in case we see it.
Sorry to hear that, I hope you get it back.

Sorry about not posting pics... it's a blue RTX, there's nothing distinguishing about this sled since it has/had ZERO miles on it. But I have no doubt the punk will start changing appearance right aways. And the last 6 of the VIN are 006373.

I did buy insurance (thank goodness) earlier this week since we were expecting snow on Wednesday. But never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have to make a claim so early, for a theft from my locked backyard no less. But in the interest of saving months of hassle with the insurance companies... and not rolling over for the criminals of the world... I have decided to try and find it myself first.

It really SUCKS either way, but I got lucky.


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I bet 80% of time it is locals.Maybe more.Probably your neighbors or more likely friends of them.Go door to door and meet your neighbors.Good luck the feeling when someone steals from you is sickening.I hope you find yours.
You got robbed twice. Once by the theif and again by the police. I think you should get your local reps involved in the lack of police investigation. The are there to "serve and protect" how are they doing their jobs by not doing their job?? But then it could have been one of those police who stole your sled, just because they are the law doesn't mean the are not above it.
I agree I would go meet with the cheif of police and ask him why nothing is being done. Put an article of truth only in the newspaper that will get peoples atttention. Someone knew that sled was there and someone seen something. I would go door to door and ask too! Look for the 3's to be changed to 8's real easy to do.
Wow.. that is disturbing. What state are you in? people would try n pull this stuff off where I live. We deal with stuff up here in Maine the Oldschool way.
Chris, I'll send out an email to all the SK dealers to stay on the look out. As per our conversation...I'm waiting to hear back, should know on Tues. We'll get ya fixed up one way or another
I got the e-mail from Sean in PA today. We'll keep our eyes open, there's not a whole bunch of the 08's out yet and most people know who has em. I'm getting kinda sick of all this stolen stuff here lately, we're sitting at over a dozen stolen units in the last 6 months in our area that are either ours or our customers. Hope you find yours Chris.
How did they steal it with a truck? or did they ride it away? Wont it be hard to get a key for that sled? Know of any wrecked Phazers around that need your parts?
