Ski mounted ice installed + pics of poject!

sk-rx1 said:
Ranger Can you tell me the overall dims of your plates. I think I will order a set and make me up some plates. I have USI skis but the idea will be the same. Did you have to bend the springs to make them latch on the skiis? Thanks
I made the plate 3 1/2" long by 3' high. I didn't like the looks of it being just rectangle shaped so I contoured the front part down. The hole for the spring is 2 1/4" ahead of the scratcher bolt. The hole for the scratcher will vary on your type of ski but drill it just above the ski, no need to put a hole in it.
I also didn't like the looks of the rough aluminum so I sat myself in front of the pellet stove in the garage & sanded & sanded & sanded, then polished the metal til they came to a mirror shine! lol
I bought the RSI scratchers from psgear78 on Flea-bay for $36.95 + $14 shipping (Canadian, probably less in the US). They are already bent so they can attach to the side of the ski.
Thanks for the dims, I understand all I believe. I found some 3/16 stainless plate, may use that but it is a pain to work with. Ordered the scratchers through my dealer through Marshalls.
Just put a woodys stud upside down at the rear inside of your ski , about 4 in from the end !!! ( both skiis )


Only touches the snow , no pavement , rail tracks etc !!!
gsxr said:
Just put a woodys stud upside down at the rear inside of your ski , about 4 in from the end !!! ( both skiis )


Only touches the snow , no pavement , rail tracks etc !!!
You sure got my attention !!! ;)!
gsxr said:
Just put a woodys stud upside down at the rear inside of your ski , about 4 in from the end !!! ( both skiis )


Only touches the snow , no pavement , rail tracks etc !!!
Ya a bud of mine was doing the low budget bolt through ski scratcher trick for the past 8 years & finally gave up on it last year due to getting tired of straightening the bolt. If you sled where there is ample snow base then the bolt through the ski should work ok. Around here they will be getting bent steady as we have of rocks protruding on the trails. This is the reason I opted for the torsion spring, it keeps constant downward pressure, yet will jump up if struck by an object.
Hartman's ski mount scratchers fit the stock SE pivot bolt. A slight modification to the mounting bracket and the set up looks good. The mod included cutting the short side of the "L" bracket so as to not hang over the edge if the ski. Came out clean, hope it pays off. Where's the snow?[/img]


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