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Sliders completely worn after 80 miles, and a 2 other Q's


Oct 18, 2010
Hey guys, first time poster here. I have three questions, I'm riding an 'o3 RX-1 ER

1. After 80 miles of riding on new sliders, the set is completely worn through at the point where the skids bend, right where the track first hits the sliders. I have tried adjusting limiter straps up and down, and adjusting the shock. No help. What could be causing this? I have gone through two sets of sliders already, and it happens consistently on both skids. the top and the back of the sliders are still find, but it wears right on that bend, and gradually thickens towards the back of the skids.

2. I am looking to straight pipe the old RX-1 Ton, and possibly put KN filters on. Is is necessary to re-jet for either of these mods, and if so, to what size jets?

3. I am also looking at putting a 4" riser on with handguards. will I have to lengthen any of the cables?

Thanks guys, I can't wait to hear your responses, they are greatly appreciated. :rocks:

look below and you will see excell motorsport is making a new wheel to help with slide wear, it should be available december.
On my Nytro, I run a marginal snow wheel kit at the bend which seems to help, I also run extra wheels at the rear of the skid. I know it's not an RX1, but all Yammis are famous for burning down at that spot. Yammis seem to wear down really quickly..and at a certain point they just stop wearing....My Nytro burned down almost to the wear line within 15 miles....never budged after that for the next 900.
Invictus could you please add you laocation to your profile, It is a site requirment and will help you out tremendously with questions you may have. :Rules:

sgilbert said:
run track looser and add wheels and ride in snow
;)! That should answer question 1

#2 You will want to rejet if you put the K & N's on! It will be worth it, It's a great mod and really makes the sled zippy!

#3 A 4" riser will require cable extensions. 3.5" is pushing the limit. :4STroke: :yam: :rocks:
Some way, some how you had zero snow getting to your sliders obviously.

Ride in better snow conditions, use your eyes and periodically make sure your skid has snow in it, use scratchers or more wheels to assist.
Re: Sliders completely worn after 80 miles, and a 2 other Q'

Invictus said:
Hey guys, first time poster here. I have three questions, I'm riding an 'o3 RX-1 ER

1. After 80 miles of riding on new sliders, the set is completely worn through at the point where the skids bend, right where the track first hits the sliders. I have tried adjusting limiter straps up and down, and adjusting the shock. No help. What could be causing this? I have gone through two sets of sliders already, and it happens consistently on both skids. the top and the back of the sliders are still find, but it wears right on that bend, and gradually thickens towards the back of the skids.

2. I am looking to straight pipe the old RX-1 Ton, and possibly put KN filters on. Is is necessary to re-jet for either of these mods, and if so, to what size jets?

3. I am also looking at putting a 4" riser on with handguards. will I have to lengthen any of the cables?

Thanks guys, I can't wait to hear your responses, they are greatly appreciated. :rocks:

Have done most of these mods and/or fixed these issues on my RX-1.
You can read about the mods on The Rockmeister Express here:

A specific very low cost(about $3) fix with step by step instructions & pics for slider wear on the RX-1s:
http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles ... laceme.htm

Run your track as loose as you can without ratcheting, that alone helps alot!

Posted a thread on how to install an under tunnel exhaust with pics and full instructions here:

You may have to re-jet with airbox & exhaust mods, however, if you are planning on a horsepower gain, forget it.
You will not notice a real difference, other than possible improved throttle response.
A number of people have posted that the K&Ns are bad about plugging with snow, modding the stock airbox seems to do just as well without the snow plugging problem.
The under tunnel exhaust doesn't add any real horsepower you can feel, it does make it sound cooler with less weight.
(However, it creates ice build-up, that adds that weight back on.)

The only cable you will have to extend with a 4" riser is the throttle cable.
Get a YAMAHA RX-1 Mountain cable (Good quality, NO issues with TORS), Kevin at Port YAMAHA (a site sponsor) can get you the correct one.
(Believe me, I bought 4 of them, until I got the CORRECT ONE from Kevin! lol)
Port Yamaha
Phone: 262.377.5480

The rest of the cables can be lengthened effectively by re-routing them.

Hope this helps!

Rockmeister :-o
On my pro action I ran polaris wheels because they are slightly larger. The excell one would work. I had every third window closed so I ran slide savers in those. As you have an 03 you may be on the finger track and be fully clipped.

As has been said to tight of track will kill the sliders. Pull up you front limiterstraps and take some wieght off the bend in the skid will help. I could get 300 mile on mine till I did as I suggest and then I got about 1,500 after that. Rule of thumb if a 10mm wrench will fit on the slide its time to change. They will wear down to a certain point and hardly wear after that. You may be changing them and you dont have to!
