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smoking in da grass


Sep 23, 2003
Cannon Falls, Minnesota
I must have missed a lot, the last time I was logged on was before April so I had to register again. Looks like a lot of you joined in April, did the system crash? Well, it's good to be back.

I need help, I am running my 03 shorty in the grass this weekend, just for fun, and all it does is smoke the belt at 30-40 mph. It launches like crazy but then smokes it. My first launch was at a 45 degree pitch up so I need some work on technique too. Any quick fixes to grip the belt? Maybe different secondary twist/setup. My RX1 isn't set up for 500 feet but if I can't get the belt to grip I'll need a respirator, I hate the smell of burning rubber. Thanks for any suggestions.


Try loosening the secondary until you get a bog, then tighten it up 10*. What kind of clutch parts do you have laying around?

If that belt was new when you started, you probably just glazed it and new to gently break in a new one. It also helps to wash new ones in hot soapy water before you install. Good luck!
Thanks vmaxjohn for the input. The belt had over 500 miles on it. I have a white secondary spring, I think it is a stock mtn, and I have a silver secondary spring, not sure if that was a yamaha part # or a Hauck. Do you think either of these springs would help? When you say loosen the secondary what do you mean? More twist or less? I was thinking I needed more spring pressure to grip the belt, is this correct or backwards? Thanks for the help.

Muskrat, yes we did have a crash around that time....but things have been really great since the update.
