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sno stuff silencer on apex, any reviews


Feb 3, 2007
Rochester, NY
intersted to maybe get one of those sno stuff silencers. want something that sounds nice different than stock but dont want to spend 700 for excell, any one heard one of these or any advise

well if you wait until late week i'll post a sound clip of mine when i get it on. suppose to be here monday. im like you in hoping it sounds good but couldnt finnd anything on it.
i just put mine on tonight so ill get some video clips up for ya tomarow. . . it sounds real nice, alot like bender
i'll be happy just to get mine here so i can put it on lol. hey snoxrace, how was the install on this pipe? what did you have to take apart to get it in on and was any mods have to be done to fit? thanks
Heyy sorry I was MIA, the install was a little time consuming I had to take off the tank and drop the track nothing to tricky. The only thing I didn’t like was that the exhaust did not come with any exhaust spacer gaskets, in the instructions they want you to take your old ones out of the stock exhaust witch was a painnn in the A$$. the easiest way I found was to take a screw driver and pry them out, I completely mutilated one of them but other than that it was just time consuming. All in all I love the thing. Sorry I didn’t get any sounds clips up I’ve been real busy with school finals and riding!!!!! Laterr
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yea i get mine todat some time but most likely wont be able to get it in until this weekend as i got a messed up front shock to worry about right now.
Rumble pack

I tried using our new camera, no sound just vid. I recorded a short vid with my office camera with sound now but can't upload to this computer, no shoe. #*$&@! I'm buying a new digital camera for christmas for the wife LOL No more problems. So on thursday? sound bite.
