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Snow, has fallen


TY 4 Stroke Master
Feb 29, 2008
Snow has already begun its migration to the north country....we had one of our first sizable snow falls two weeks ago (up high)...

I know it is hard to imagine with the drought in the flatland...but it is true...

Got a pic of some tweaks being done to my sled, gonna be nice...looking forward to it!!! I think I rode soooo little last year I barely remember riding...

Gonna have to change that this year...

Really MT!!!! Really!!! your talking about snow and it is 97 degrees here in northern nevada and expected to stay that way for awhile. HeHe :o|
I kid you not, they had to call of a search and rescue for a backpacker in the high country as there was too much snow...and yes, new snow...
I hope for all of us it is a positive sign of things to come for this upcoming season. ;)! At least give us some time to ride before the world comes to an end HeHe I also hope that things worked out for the backpacker as well. it is never a good things to have the search and rescue called out
Snow line has been holding at about 4k feet in Anchorage for over a week now. Forcast shows snow at sea level before the end of the month. First test ride for 10/23 hopefully. :Rockon: That would mean I'll have to go a whole month and a half without being on a sled this summer :o|
HYFLYR said:
Darn you Ricky!!!!

Well at least you brought the short track.

You mean accidentaly forgot the sled in the trailer on a "work" trip. ;)! And accidentaly made sure it had winter insurance as well as accidentaly making sure you had subframes coming :jump:
hugger70mtnmax said:
Why??? Why must you do these things. The only way to pass the last couple of months is to pretend that it is still months away.

Because it's fun :jump:
Dimebag said:
Now, Im jealous.

Is those pics really taken now?? Not from last christmas?

That sled was purchased last Wed. Didn't have a SE in the fleet until then ;)!
