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Snowmobile season

2AM, by yourself......? glad you did not get hurt and made it back ok.

Snowmobile season is almost year round for me but if I had to put a date on it, I'd say it starts when I go up to Grantsburg for Watercross in July. That's when the thumb starts twitching ;)!

I don't need snow or to even ride to enjoy this sport. Sitting in the shop drinking beer with my buddies, watching sled vids, looking at sleds, polishing tunnels, changing oil, adding mods, etc...all part of the experience. Grass drags, swap meets, watercross, or whatever...doing trail clean-up, grooming trails, club sponsored events year round...that's "snowmobile season" to me.
Rich Kay said:
2AM, by yourself......? glad you did not get hurt and made it back ok.

No sweat, I almost always ride throught the night - never anyone out at that time and if they are you can see headlights for miles
biffdotorg said:
Those with new sleds don't wait for snow. Many times a wet ditch will suffice when staring at a new sled in the garage.

In MN, the official start is Haydays in September! The DNR will say December 1st is the official trail opener. But I think most will agree, whenever you feel there is a enough snow to protect your sled from the crap left in the ditch.

auto2665 said:
When does the start of snowmobile season start?

In Canada there is no official 'open' date. They open when the ofsc or Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs beem the trails safe for riders. I understand why our rules are in place and respect them but it can be frustrating as hell some times when the snow is good but the site has them closed, It could be for the simple reason of water crossings opened up in a section of trail due to a thaw etc. And in northern Ontario many of the volunteers take closures very seriously. About 15 years ago not knowing any better 10 of us pulled up for gas and the gas station owner who was also the local 'groomer guy' proceeded to rip us a new #*$&@ and almost refused us gas because the site had the trails closed and the conditions were mint. If we wern't so far from our rigs I honestly think he would have refused us fuel he was that mad. But it is what is and safety is always first and formost.
wesj said:
glad I am not in canada... here ya ride what ever ya want when ya want to

That's why I've been favoring the UP the past couple seasons. The second week in January of 2013 we rode the UP on pretty thin conditions for the first day and a half. We could have never rode Canada in simialr conditions. We chose to chance slim conditions in the UP rather than wait a week or two for Ontario to come around. We made the right choice. Second day up there it started to snow and didn't quit for a week.
Temps in the 50's today here and the grass is still green. I haven't even taken my sled down from the storage loft yet.
Have been out on real rides in September here and there is no official open or closed for trails so it's whenever we get rideable snow. Fun doesent start for me until our rivers have a solid ice layer usually in December. Good snow in the mountains already this year that will be there untill end of May. :sled1:
How many inches of snow do they usually wait for before the groomers start up? Looks like parts of the UP will be over 12" soon.
Been in the mid to low 20's here an cooler at night.. Spitting snow at us but not enough to do anything. Trails open here dec 1st but need an solid 6-12 inches to get Round by me.. Groomers won't usually start until everything has had a good freeze up, jus needs to stay cold an get real cols
