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Suggestions on clutch maint.

Clean with Brake Cleaner and then rinse off with soap and water.

I use Scotch Bright on all the faces.

After 7 K miles, I tore into mine this year for the first time. I replaced the Rollers' Bushings. They were shot. I also put in new primary and secondary springs. They were close to spec. But not right on.

BTW, I use silicone spray on the thing. I get the roller and flyweight axels, the tower slides and on the secondary the heilx ramps soaked real up good, just before every ride. Lots of people say nothing goes on the clutch. But, I always seem to get a lot of miles out them.
I am with Len in the cleaning.

Sometimes I use a Teflon lubricant if I want em to run real smooth. Most of the time no lubricant though.

After the brake cleaner and Scotch-brite pads, as long as the Old Lady does not catch you, a good dose of spray nine and a run through the dishwasher works real good too.

