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Supertips Setup for Nytro

what rpm do you get when hitting the throttle at wot?
8500 then goes down to 8200 and going up to 9100 at full speed on my side.
I have 1 washer on the tip and hitting rev limiter. Gonna take it out and try again this weekend hopefully. I go up to 9150 on top end

have you tested your change?
I put 1 tungsten in heel and 2 washers in top. No more rev limiter but only 96 mph. Will ride again tmo. Better snow this weekend
i just did some test again. seems like ulmer setup for me is the way to go.

t = thungsten
1 = washer
0 = nothing

great acceleration and hit 100 on the gauge so 98 gps.
that's the better i got on my nytro ever.
really happy. great throttle response and top.
Nytro6211 I have a buddy here at dauphin mb who does lots of work on sleds, atv... he can do custom kits, turbos, almost anything. I can get you his info and you can as him for options.
I know this is an old thread but I'm gonna bump it up...
I have same setup, full hindle exhaust, K&N filters, pcv and ulmers clutch kit.
I did a lot of testing with mine and found
T + 3
to be a good setup, we have some fun races this weekend so will do some adjustments and see how it goes.
