Test Pilots/guinea pig letter to Yamaha...

ghost rider said:
This has turned into quite the thread....;)

I do agree there..after 7 pages on this topic I'm sure anyone that had a negative experience and wanted to voice it more than likely has already..mights show all the positive things in the same thread lol. On that note, I have a buddy with a 13' pro r 800 and and one with a 12' 800 etec and can't get them to ride anymore because they have spent way too much money in gas and oil..that's gotta be a bad feeling lol I do the best I can to keep track of what I spend on sledding each year in fuel and so far this year (right around 2200 miles) I've spent just shy of $600. I'd hate to see what the 2 stroke guys spend between high test gas and oil that cost $50/gallon. If I was to own a 2 stroke and put the same amount of miles on as I did my viper I think I'd be sick to my stomach to actually think about it and realize that I've already used up prolly a third of the engine life. Food for thought.
144 I want our sled not only can go 100 MPH but you also get 18.3 MPG. The ceapest gas on the hill is $5/g.
2200 miles averaging 16 miles per gallon and I never fill up on the hill I always get gas right in town in a gas jug and fill my sled up like that. 87 octane is $3.81/gallon. I just quickly figured it up at $4/gallon and it is $550 in gas for 2200 miles. I've only needed to fill up on the trail twice this year. I've said it in another topic that I don't ride hard on the trails..I'm not on and off the throttle right steady. 3/4 of our riding is 40-50 mph and we just cruise. We usually don't ride on the weekends because trails are shot. Middle of the week rides you get perfect trails and you can ride 120+ miles in a day just leisure riding, stop and eat and still be home by 4 in the afternoon. If I went out and was mogul mashing all day I'm sure I'd be lucky to get over 12 mpg. Was racing with a buddy for one full day and doing some clutching tuning. Sled was right full when I left in the morning. I rode 56 miles that day just drag racing and when I got home my fuel light had been on for 3 miles. I don't even want to know what I got for gas mileage that day lol but I think what makes the biggest difference is just steady cruising.
Wow! Shocks blowing out, mufflers blowing up. Sounds like a cat forum now.
Viper has been a great sled for me.
2430 miles and really no issues.

My only issues were:
Adjusted chain at 300 miles, 3 turns loose.
Hot restart issues once in a great while. Sled always started on the second or third try.
Pushes in the corners more then I like.

Sled needs more top end power.
I am with Studroes.
Take some friction out of the drivetrain(Teflon slides & extra wheels).
Add a can and clutching and you are there.

This is the first Yamaha that I didn't have to throw money at it to where I liked it.

I had to put $1000 into my '09 Nytro to get it to where I liked it.
Hygear springs.
Large gas tank.
Tall windshield.
Upgraded hand warmers.
Larger suspension wheels.

My '07 Attak:
Send shock out for a stiffer spring to stop the bottoming.
Front end bushings wore out.
Cracked front swing arm.
And the every 3000 mile exhaust donut change.
why does everybody bitche about top end. Mine will do 94mph by GPS. within 2mph of the dream meter on the dash. the dream meter on my apex would read 120 but on GPS it was more like 108. speed is all gearing, do you want to go out and run a straight line all day? I'd rather have torque and power down low coming off a corner or out of the hole! I can beat a cat turbo off the line till about 70Mph, after that who cares. Those guys work their #*$&@ off from corner to corner keeping up with the torque of Viper
LM7800 said:
why does everybody bitche about top end. Mine will do 94mph by GPS. within 2mph of the dream meter on the dash. the dream meter on my apex would read 120 but on GPS it was more like 108. speed is all gearing, do you want to go out and run a straight line all day? I'd rather have torque and power down low coming off a corner or out of the hole! I can beat a cat turbo off the line till about 70Mph, after that who cares. Those guys work their #*$&@ off from corner to corner keeping up with the torque of Viper

I agree with the Nytro was only around 95-100 stock also and that speedo lied it's #*$&@ off!! But I just think that after hearing all the things that are going wrong with the Viper that we want to add that it's slow too. Well it's great for trail riding cause that's where it has the power and hauls from corner to corner!

But, I'm looking for a new sled for my wife, and I'm concerned that none of the issues we are having have been addressed or fixed. So now I don't want to deal with those issues. So where does that leave me when it comes to buying her a lighter more fun sled!?

She likes how it handles and how light the steering is. I think it handles great! But not a sled I want to go back packing with as I already did that and it failed on me. No turbo issues at all. Just everything around the turbo. So the oil separator has not been fixed just cleaned. So should I trust that it won't happen again if I go on a long trip. NOPE!!
LM7800 said:
why does everybody bitche about top end. Mine will do 94mph by GPS. within 2mph of the dream meter on the dash. the dream meter on my apex would read 120 but on GPS it was more like 108. speed is all gearing, do you want to go out and run a straight line all day? I'd rather have torque and power down low coming off a corner or out of the hole! I can beat a cat turbo off the line till about 70Mph, after that who cares. Those guys work their #*$&@ off from corner to corner keeping up with the torque of Viper

I want to be clear, if my sled would go 94mph I wouldn't be looking to sell it. My problem is that it only goes 82 and to get it to go 94 I have to spend XXX amount more $$$ to get it to go just 94mph. I have a real problem with the fact that Yamaha has only issued one update considering the number of people having the same issues. I bought the sled for two reasons:
1. Yamaha Quality
2. No more adding $50/gallon oil every time I leave the cabin.

These expectations have not been met, and to make it worse I get my #*$&@ handed to me by my buddies on every lake we cross. I have a real problem add $$$$ to a $13K just to keep up with other sleds in the same category.
This motor was never designed to be a lake racer. Plus you are running a xtx, the ltx may have been a better option for you if you are looking more top end performance without sacrificing off trail.
MorganKoda said:
LM7800 said:
why does everybody bitche about top end. Mine will do 94mph by GPS. within 2mph of the dream meter on the dash. the dream meter on my apex would read 120 but on GPS it was more like 108. speed is all gearing, do you want to go out and run a straight line all day? I'd rather have torque and power down low coming off a corner or out of the hole! I can beat a cat turbo off the line till about 70Mph, after that who cares. Those guys work their #*$&@ off from corner to corner keeping up with the torque of Viper

I want to be clear, if my sled would go 94mph I wouldn't be looking to sell it. My problem is that it only goes 82 and to get it to go 94 I have to spend XXX amount more $$$ to get it to go just 94mph. I have a real problem with the fact that Yamaha has only issued one update considering the number of people having the same issues. I bought the sled for two reasons:
1. Yamaha Quality
2. No more adding $50/gallon oil every time I leave the cabin.

These expectations have not been met, and to make it worse I get my #*$&@ handed to me by my buddies on every lake we cross. I have a real problem add $$$$ to a $13K just to keep up with other sleds in the same category.

See my missing power found post, mine was a pooch over 50 until we figured out the right clutch setup. $26.00 dollars to fix it.
morgan koda
I have a xtx with a 225 on it and I put on slip slides, wheel kits and am currently changing clutch settings and playing with different primary spring and weights. Like most people I believe it is in the clutching. I wouldn't waste money on wheels, Slides are worth every dime and I really believe the guy at Ullmer. I think it is either a gearing change or machining. I lose a lot more with my track but just the way it sits I can get 90. I want to get rid of the top end drag before I put the turbo on. That will just cover it up. These motors produce a way more torque they just aren't putting it to the track. The answers are going to come and for a few more hundred I think you would be disspointed if you jumped yet. 600 etechs hit the same hurdle at 75 but they don't have the torque to get past it. I am having a hard time getting mine to top rpm but I think I have it, Will try today. I took out end rivet, set secondary at 3-3 with a green silver primary. God luck either way
