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The People who are dissapointed

Yummy said:
I'm very disappointed from Yamaha, I guess they gave up to be #1 in 4S. I'm sorry to anonce that I'm jumping ship and will be riding the Z1-T next year. My current Apex has over 14k miles and I will not push my luck. Once a sled has reach 10k miles, in my type of riding, you must change to a new one. Never again I will keep more than 2 years - 4 strokes or 2 stokes.

Also, on the Yamaha Canada, the 2009 price posted are the same as 2008, so that mean They have NOT adjusted the CDN versus USA. So the currency excuses from them was full of balony.

BYE BYE Yamaha

Bye Bye frenchie go buy one of those overpriced lemons

MadMax said:
I seen this day coming for sure... Let's face it.... Cat & doo have tried to trump one-another for years now....... I expect doo to hang a turbo on the new 1200 verry soon.. Being a triple it will more than likely have about 200 hp. Then cat will add more, then doo,then cat, then doo.. Well you get the idea....I just don't like the idea of two huge pistons going up & down side/side like the cats.. Now doo in IMO has a better motor.. I wish they would have put the new venture motor in the vector.. Oh well, they had to keep the cost down.. And I have no complaints with my vectors carbs. MM.

Ski doo motor better than the Suzuki design you're high and have been eating too many cabbage rolls and brautwurst sausages.
Sasquatch said:
rightarm said:
Bye Bye go buy one of those overpriced lemons

Now why do you assume he is French? Why do you have to call him Frenchie? Nice name calling on your part.

But's it's okay for him and some out there to bash Yamaha because they didn't release what everybody was hoping for.Get real you guy's are like a bunch of spoiled kids that didn't get that present for Christmas.
Sasquatch said:
rightarm said:
Ski doo motor better than the Suzuki design you're high and have been eating too many cabbage rolls and brautwurst sausages.

Again with the trolling, Shame on you.

Sad but true!,why are you here ? should't you be out purchasing your Z1Turbo,that you and your buds have been hyping about here for the last week!
Hey right arm, it's too bad you lost an arm but It doesn't mean you should have an extra mouth.
Is this the way you were brought up, to always belittle people, we have seen this from you for months (maybe longer) not much of a personality in my opinion, lay off with the name calling, it gets old and shows what kind of person you are
rightarm said:
Sasquatch said:
rightarm said:
Ski doo motor better than the Suzuki design you're high and have been eating too many cabbage rolls and brautwurst sausages.

Again with the trolling, Shame on you.

Sad but true!,why are you here ? should't you be out purchasing your Z1Turbo,that you and your buds have been hyping about here for the last week!

RightArm you best tone it down a little! name calliing will get you booted as fast as you can blink an eye! These guys have a right to their opinions and you have a right to yours but STOP with the name calling thats uncalled for. Consider yourself warned.
Well i never thought I would be saying it but I think i am going to keep the '05 and buy a new 2 stroke from another brand next year. After 4 years on the old girl she has treated me well but the weight is definitely taking a toll on the torn rotator cuff and it's time for something alot lighter. Could be an Assault 800 RMK 146" in my future....
MT RX1 Mountain Man said:
Tom-RX1 said:
I highly dought you will see a higher hp apex if anything the 4 cylinder will be gone and a 1200 or so 140 - 150 hp 3 cylinder will replace it .

God I hope not, I think that 4 banger is an excellent motor, I personally am way more impressed with it than the Nytro motor, and I definitely like the Apex chassis a lot better. Just my $.03!!

Yamaha, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not get rid of the Apex motor. I do not like the Nytro motor at all....
My biggest problem is why no colors on the Apex LTX? The only choice is shhitt!
Bad enough we get no new Apex, BUT NO COLOR CHOICE EITHER!
I'm so tired of taking a new sled & redoing the color just because Yamaha's head is so far up their a$$!
Even if a guy would down trade to a Nytro XTX, which has a OK look in the white, you don't get a big enough gas tank to go for a ride, because again, Yamaha's head is up their a$$!!

I'm puzzled!

Alot of you are stuck on this HP issue (not enough) quit complaining and boost your sled. you will still have plenty of reliability. If you have the $$ to go buy a new sled this year but arent happy with the line up then make yours better, faster, longer, shorter, more colorful, lighter, what ever!!!

You gotta pay to play! You cant expect yamaha to do it all for you. I have never owned a sled old or new that i didnt add or take away from. yamaha has given us a pretty good foundation to work from. Yamaha corp. makes their money on the initial sale of the sled (big whoop) it is the aftermarket companies that make the real bling.
i agree with sprtnwd4yamaha what is the big deal with cats new turbo with 177hp when you can have a yami with twice as much hp.
