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Where Do You Go Now

My 21 winder has 4500 miles and my 10 Apex is around19,000 miles both have some upgrades and still run and ride well. I just can't see riding or spending $$ on newer machines especially non Yamaha. I am retiring this year and hoping for a better winter season next year! I will ride Yamaha till I can't ride anymore!
I'll be keeping my 11 apex as long as possible. I dont get different sleds very often, especially with the amount I'm able to ride
Just purchased a mint low mile 2013 Apex SE last September. Plan on keeping it for quite a while. Still have my trusty 1998 MXZ 670 as well, if I had to switch I would go back to Ski-Doo.
I bought a new Riot 600 Catalyst to replace my 2016 Viper at the end of the year. Rumor going around right now is that John Deere is going to buy Arctic from Textron. I guess we'll see what happens.
