Tors acting up


Lifetime Member
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
Milverton, Ontario
2021 Yamaha Sidewinder xtx se, 2007 Yamaha Phazer Gt (144), 2006 Yamaha Apex rtx.
Adjusted cable and it still backfires and stumbles won't accelerate much past 100kmh. I wondering if there is a switch in the throttle that is bad. I have three other Yamaha sleds and they all have a distinct click when you press the throttle but the nytro does not.
Adjusted cable and it still backfires and stumbles won't accelerate much past 100kmh. I wondering if there is a switch in the throttle that is bad. I have three other Yamaha sleds and they all have a distinct click when you press the throttle but the nytro does not.
TORS engaging won't let the machine anywhere near 100km. In fact it will barely move.
TORS engaging won't let the machine anywhere near 100km. In fact it will barely move.
Yes when it's engaged properly, but understanding is if it's just something on and off real quick like a bad switch or poorly routed or adjusted cable it will make sputter or hesitate back fire. Everything else has been checked and or felt with. Has a programmer and new exhaust donuts and exhaust looks good.
Yes when it's engaged properly, but understanding is if it's just something on and off real quick like a bad switch or poorly routed or adjusted cable it will make sputter or hesitate back fire. Everything else has been checked and or felt with. Has a programmer and new exhaust donuts and exhaust looks good.
Also computer is setting a tors code.
There isn't a switch inside the throttle itself. My guess is throttle cable is out of adjustment or is somehow stretched or a bad TPS
There isn't a switch inside the throttle itself. My guess is throttle cable is out of adjustment or is somehow stretched or a bad TPS
I think I'm going to try a new TPS, but when we run the diagnostic mode it seems fine. I have a 2007 Yamaha Phazer that kind of acted the same but the TPS was obviously no good, the number was all over the place.
