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turbo motor down


Apr 14, 2003
We just found out that my buddies front mounted turbo that he had installed (professionally) at the end of last season has burned the valves.
He has had nothing but problems with this turbo. It has started on fire. And he has gone through 7 belts in 240 miles!! Has to be from hat as everthing in in aline with even a 4 post cluthes. He had EGT gage's installed and the whole time they were reading 1600 to1800, even as high as 1950 degrees!!! He was told that the reason for the high temps was the because of the high under hood temps!! I told him BS that it may be running lean. I never keep track on how it was set up. But i did know he was running straight 118 race fuel. It started to miss on the last ride of the season. Started it up a few weeks ago and you could tell something was majorly wrong. He sent it to his professional mechanic and they torn it down to find the valves burnt. I asked him what they told him caused the valves to burn and the typical come back was because of bad fuel!!!! ya right!! Seems as though its always bad fuel when the mechanic can't figure it out or he's hiding something. This well nown Drag racer and Yamaha dealer has built nothing scrap for my Buddy for years. My bud has spent Ten's of thousands with him just to end up with blown motors. But he continually keeps on going back.
BTW he did have the Low comp pistons rods and gaskets in the motor. And never did get to run it on stage two. The reason for that is because the first time they put the new pistons rings and rods in it, it blew oil so bad ya couldn't believe it. 1 qt per fifty miles!!!!They told him it was because he didn't break the motor in properly. So they ended up re ringing it (charging him of coarse) and told him not to run high boost till it had about five hundred miles on it!!! All i can say is what a joke!!

Doesn't sound tight to me. I have 1800 miles on mine and I never ran 118 fuel. Something else is wrong.
Kind of reminds me of the guy in the restaurant who doesn't like how his steak is cooked and all of the sudden the service is no good, the salad sucks, the veg is cold, etc.
BTW aluminum melts alot sooner than 1950 degrees. The pistons would be toast. Why did he put the gauge on if he wasn't going to pay attention to it?
Nitro,,,, on the rx1, i have seen more sucess stories than problems,,, if the sytem was new when it was installed, and the high temps showed up from the start, , then a tear apart looking for the problem(s) should have been the first course of action....... i have been playing with turbos for 20 plus years,,,, all years of moments of shear delight all followed by broken parts.... with the 4cycle rx1, i can not believe the number of high speed passes my sled has made in two years with no problems .... engine remains in excellent shape... I would recommend that your pal not give up, start again from scratch with looking at the kit and install... if he lives near Mn, i can pass on a name of a experienced installer......
There is no way he should be running those kind of temps. Go to the speedshops web site and you'll see the Simon CPR front mount turbo with a EGT reading of 1184 at the highest in a 1/4 mile run...during the Summer!! I agree with Kip, he needs to take it to someone who knows what there doing.
I know what all you guys are saying. Sames ?'s I asked!!!! Just an update on that Turbo. I found out yesturday that not only did he fry a few valves but also two pistons, and the turbo is destroyed also. No expanations from the dealer who installed it. Except that it is costing him 6000 to repair!! As far as temp gauges go, i don't know why he didn't beleive his gauges other than the dealer told him they were wrong.
And beleive what ya want, but it did burn down with 118 fuel in it as I was running the same fuel as him . The fuel was clean As far as dealers go, how many are there in Rice lake?
What boost did he run? He should have known better than to run it with those exhaust temps. Thare had to be something major wrong if he was only running low boost. With the setup you described he could be running 20 #'s and been ok. However the McXpress front mount is really only good to about 16 #'s before it loses efficiency due to it's small size.
he switched from low to high boost when it happened. His turbo was set only to run 12 lbs on high boost BTW, he many miles on the motor with them temps. something like 600 miles. That in itself would let one to believe it was a gage problem. I told him the first day he started it to have them temps checked. He told me it was test driven with them temps for a hundred miles before he got it and to ignore it. They would get a new gage for him
I guarantee you there was something wrong right from the get go. the installation was horrendous, but I'm sure it is being covered up so the dealer don't have to eat it. If you would have seen how it was installed you would of laughed. I'm telling ya it caught on fire on the first ride. The whole hood and all the lines melted.
I ran 12 #'s with mine on Sunoco 100 race fuel and the inside of my engine looked great. There was something definitely wrong with the install.
118 Octane Race Fuel??????????????????????????????????

Low compression pistons, low boost pressure and 118 Octane Race Fuel?

Think about it!

High Octane race gasoline that is run under these conditions will surely burn valves and will read high exhaust temps.

High Octane race gasoline in a low compression application is the worst thing you could do. Of course the underhood temps were high and of course the EGTs read high, THE FUEL IS BURNING HALF WAY DOWN THE EXHAUST PIPE!

Turbo Blue or any 118 octane race gas burns so slow that you created a flame thrower past the exhaust valves and out into your exhaust!

You need to turn the boost WAY UP or come way down on the octane of the fuel you're running.
What your saying may be trure but, if that be the case, why don't I and the two other turbo guys i run with have problems. Are gages don't show any overheating problems. We all get our fuel outa the same barrel. One other guy has the low compression pistons along with the thicker head gasket.
Look, an air pump is an air pump! Doesn't matter if is front mounted, rear mounted, intercooled or no intercooler. Doesn't matter if its a blow through or otherwise. Doesn't matter if its a car engine, motorcycle or lawn mower either. The only difference is the power you'll be able to make.

Not taking sides with anyone, I don't even know the players in the snowmobile turbo market and could care less but come on, figure out the problem, fix it and get on with it.

You're doing somthing wrong, figure it out and go ride!
