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ultimax 3, XS, or stock

Just got back from a week in maine.Now have 1718 miles on the xs805 belt and it still looks like new.No belt dust seems to have no wear.Good product as far as i am can tell.Have it on an 07 apex er with 5413 miles.
garyw, I have two I'll sell you. One with 50 miles, and one with 70 miles. They both got ran easy for 20 breakin miles too. Cheap!
Have 1500 miles on xs and do like a couple of things . Sled moves alot easier after stored in cold
trailer without burning the clutch faces like the 8dn.

8dn seems to slip alot and burn into clutch faces before getting the apex's to roll in the morning
after setting overnight.

Wear is not a factor on stock clutches with xs but lost of speed is as it pulls good for a few miles and then it starts to lose mph.

Shim clutch almost to squeal when installing the xs
and pulled very hard for the first two hole shots and
top end was the same !

After 1500 miles it does not perform as well as a
8dn did with 1000 miles it. Both tests ran with same
too sleds with no other mods in like conditions !

New 8dn better way to go I agree with Mike !
I agree with Mike also about the stock belts. Tried the Ultamax 3 and it was a joke. Just picked up a new 8DN-01 today plan on breakin it in Wed and then we will see how it does on the speed runs Saturday vs the 8DN-00.
