Venture MP - Phazer MTX

Hey Murph, Yzman is probably right. The Venture tunnel has a raised section from just behind the seat that makes enough room for the muff. You might be able to tell from the pictures - the muff sits right above the upper idler wheels so even with the suspension fully compressed the track has lots of room.
karl said:
Hey Murph, Yzman is probably right. The Venture tunnel has a raised section from just behind the seat that makes enough room for the muff. You might be able to tell from the pictures - the muff sits right above the upper idler wheels so even with the suspension fully compressed the track has lots of room.

I may be wrong, but I think compressing the suspension will not make the track any closer to the muffler on the VL/MP. For it to get closer, wouldn't it have to expand or have bigger lugs or studs?
You are right Bomba, the VL/MP is set up in such a way that no matter how much you compress the suspension the track will not hit the muff. I am running a 2" lug track and still have lots of room between it and the muff.
