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Viper Brake Squeak Thread


Nov 30, 2004
Fairport, NY
2014 SR Viper
2001 AC Z370
2006 AC F120
Let's start a brake squeak thread so we can collectively solve the problem.

I'll start in the first reply...

My brake squeaks at low speed...

Braking at trails speeds is smooth, but while slowing down to a full stop, it consistently squeaks from about 20mph down.

It started after the first 50 miles and hasn't gotten any better. No anomalies found other than the brake pad clip was a bit bound up, but no improvement after freeing it up.

Neither the caliper or rotor floats, only the pads...
There has been a few threads on this subject, but I never read them because my break doesn't squeak. But I figured I would check it out. Maybe if you took some break clean and maybe some sand paper and cleaned the rotor it might fix it. Or take off the break pads and clean then and sand them a little bit. Maybe there is a little glaze over then and you need to clean that off. Just a thought.
YamaTim... great advice, I agree.

I cleaned the rotor with brakeclean as soon as I brought the sled home as part of my "new sled prep". However, I did not scuff it up. I will probably do that next in an attempt to better seat the pads into the rotor... kinda like the crosshatch on a new cylinder, right?

I'll report back once I try that...
Yes, like that. Does not have to be pretty just scuff it up a little. I would also sand the break pads too. That way you have done everything that you can do besides buy new ones. While you already have it apart. Maybe put some break grease on the slides as well. Once your do e go heat up the breaks with some kind of hard stops maybe three or four then they should be good to go. If not try cleaning them with just plain soap and water. Sometimes break cleaner can leave a film on the rotor.
