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warning the people

this is what sargent is talking about


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wow that blows, i just bought a rage with the warrior, so might i have the same problem? im sure that it should be warrantied if its a really big problem with all the yamaha rx/rs chassis
Seems like an easy fix. Loosen the suspension bracket and insert a softer than Aluminum gasket material. Replace the gasket material when neccessary. That way the gasket wears and not the Aluminum.
I've never liked the idea of running board mounted heat exchangers to begin with. My Cats always had them in the tunnel directlly above the track windows where no stud could hit them. Never had a problem with that, and besides I think it provides much better cooling since (especially on a studded sled) more snow and ice tend to get kicked up and onto the exchangers here than under that running boards.
These kind of post´s makes me worry. I own a ´04 warrior, and now I deffinately have to check out my heat exchangers/brackets. First there was a post about the rear shock that isn´t rebuildable and that is shot after 2-3000 miles :o| , and now this. It really isn´t good news you people are coming with :( . It´s things like that, that makes me have second thought´s of having a sled. But I love sledding so much that I really can´t quit sledding no matter the cost to keep the sled running.

These kind of post´s makes me worry. I own a ´04 warrior, and now I deffinately have to check out my heat exchangers/brackets. First there was a post about the rear shock that isn´t rebuildable and that is shot after 2-3000 miles :o| , and now this. It really isn´t good news you people are coming with :( . It´s things like that, that makes me have second thought´s of having a sled. But I love sledding so much that I really can´t quit sledding no matter the cost to keep the sled running.



You old devil. If you own machanical equipment, be prepared to be a fix'n it often. Nobody makes fool proof equipment, not even NASA. But if you read and pay attention, C O L L E C T I V E L Y we can help each other minimize the defects by looking or fixing before it has to go back to the shop. I remember my old 1989 gmc pickup which had design flaws which developed outside of warrantee. In those days you just bought the truck and unless you plan on pulling tree stumps, you figured it would be okay to own the truck without paying 2 grand for extended warrantees that would never cover whatever went wrong with the thing anyway. I got a call from a friend who also owned the same style and year truck and he told me that the fan shroud, had warped over time and began rubbing the aluminum radiator right at the sandwich portion of the shroud came together and furthest away from the rubber mounted screws. Anyway, he said his had worn a hole in the now useless radiator and that I should check it out. I told him I would and of course I didn't and sure enough the lovely thing let loose on vacation. Point is I should have taken note and corrected the problem when I got the info. I didn't and I paid the price. So take heed Ernie old boy, and you can learn and still live to play tag with the pine trees on another day. LaLaLa
hey smokeless1
I am always prepared to fix all my mechanical equipment and I allways give them a check regularly to see if there´s anything that needs to be replaced or repaired. I love this site and I am learning alot from it. And I agree with you 100% that we all should read and pay attention so we collectivily can help each other out. ;)!

I know there isnt any fool proof mechanical equipment out there but in my opinion everything is getting better as technology gets better and that is a good thing. :Rockon:

And thank you for your input.

Ernie the old devil :twisted:
Let me get this straight...the rear upper wheel bracket is loose and moving wearing into the heat exchanger????
Why is it loose? Tighten it up!! Both my p actions have two substantial bolts holding the bracket, and the bolt into the upper axle is in the center of the aluminum heat exchanger recess. Plus, the exchanger is flush with the inside of the tunnel. Even if the bracket wore on it, it would also wear on the tunnel. But how can this go unnoticed? This means someone never checks these bolts...these have to be checked on all sleds. Mine are locktited and are very tight. I see no issue whatsoever. NOTE: ALWAYS CHECK THESE BOLTS, AS IN THE VERY LEAST, YOU WILL WEAR HOLES IN YOUR TUNNEL. And they all loosen with time. Takes about 1 minute to check them all with a socket. Check when greasing.
Unless I'm missing something here...


You old devil. If you own machanical equipment, be prepared to be a fix'n it often. Nobody makes fool proof equipment, not even NASA. But if you read and pay attention, C O L L E C T I V E L Y we can help each other minimize the defects by looking or fixing before it has to go back to the shop. I remember my old 1989 gmc pickup which had design flaws which developed outside of warrantee. In those days you just bought the truck and unless you plan on pulling tree stumps, you figured it would be okay to own the truck without paying 2 grand for extended warrantees that would never cover whatever went wrong with the thing anyway. I got a call from a friend who also owned the same style and year truck and he told me that the fan shroud, had warped over time and began rubbing the aluminum radiator right at the sandwich portion of the shroud came together and furthest away from the rubber mounted screws. Anyway, he said his had worn a hole in the now useless radiator and that I should check it out. I told him I would and of course I didn't and sure enough the lovely thing let loose on vacation. Point is I should have taken note and corrected the problem when I got the info. I didn't and I paid the price. So take heed Ernie old boy, and you can learn and still live to play tag with the pine trees on another day. LaLaLa[/quote]

Now you tell me about the truck , I had a 88 with the same problem with the rad . :o|
ger said:


You old devil.

Now you tell me about the truck , I had a 88 with the same problem with the rad . :o|[/quote]

Off topic but here is another issue with those old chevies. The 4x4 front axles have hard rubber boots. I was in the great far north one spring chasing pickeral as the locals call them and way way down in the woods, one of the axles decided to die and leave me very stranded. Ever fix and axle that doesn't want to turn down in the woods while it is cold and rainy and all you have is a screw driver, cresent wrench and a hammer in the truck?? I did, had to pull the axle out so I could move the truck and boy don't you know there was some very grave doubts going thru my head at the time. Seems that these trucks, (according to the guy who sold me a new axle and knew allllllllll about this) are prone to have axles fail because the hard rubber will NOT squeeze down on the axles where the bands are supposed to tighten up around the top of the boot, and will slide back and forth as the axle moves up and down until they are very sloppy and will then let all manner of crap into the boot where it does a very nice job of staying there and working around and disinigrating the ballbaring joints. Guy said new softer rubber will tighten, but ....are you listening here.....take a bit of left over silicone after you use it around the house and put a nice seal right around the top of that joint and this will keep the crap from rolling down into the rubber boot and thus eliminating the need to buy new axles at 70k. NOW GO DO IT EARNEST, BEFORE YOU HAVE TO SPEND TIME IN THE RAIN. Your welcome. LaLaLa
Hi Everybody
I´m loking in to this forum from Sweden, I´vbeen
running my RX 1 -03 over 4000 kilometers over 2 seasons now and I don´t know what that is in your miles figuring.But i´ts a looong distance!
I´ve had the isolated aluminumplate exchanged and rebuilt under the seat because it was schrinkled and destroyed the sleds carpet! that as well has been changed under warrantee, I had also the whole seat changed under the warrante because I told the guys that it was to thin and it had wrinkles in it.
Over and all the sled is magnificant , everybody in the region here in the middle of Sweden is left behind when it comes to race over the lakes , I´ve had so called champions chasing me in what we here in Sweden call skoterleder (trails) and they don´t have the slightest chance keeping up.

Okey it´s not all about racing all the time but it really help putting their mouth shut for a while .

Keep up the good work 4-stroke YAMAHA 1000CC

Best regards from fastcat Sweden

(Can´t help the name because I´ve had an artic before )
