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Weight of EPS?


Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2019
Reaction score
Southern MN
'17 ZR9000 Ltd. 137 - PEFI Stage 4
What is the true additional weight attributable to EPS?
For the same exact sled, with the same amount of gas, same track, same studs, all exact same, what is the difference in weight between one with EPS and one without?
What is the true additional weight attributable to EPS?
For the same exact sled, with the same amount of gas, same track, same studs, all exact same, what is the difference in weight between one with EPS and one without?
Can't say with exact certainty, but I'd estimate it adds 13-18lbs...?
I remember looking it up at one point and 12lbs sticks in my head. The only claims that they made were '30lbs lighter than the apex PS' and 'lighter than the aftermarket' which one member here measured at 13lbs (20lbs shipped) for the GSE performance aftermarket kit.
What is the true additional weight attributable to EPS?
For the same exact sled, with the same amount of gas, same track, same studs, all exact same, what is the difference in weight between one with EPS and one without?
I guess it depends on what sled and what system.
Sidewinder /Arctic Cat
Looking at the components on our new riot 9000's I wouldnt think it adds more than 10 or 12 lbs but who knows. I will say in the very short ride home from the dealer in crap conditions I am really looking forward to getting out on the trail with the eps. Steering was incredibly nice with minimal feedback in the bars over rutted frozen ground. Can turn the sled at a stop with just 1 finger pushing on the bars. I think its going to be especially nice for the big mile days and should greatly reduce discomfort for the people who suffer from arm and or shoulder and back issues.
Looking at the components on our new riot 9000's I wouldnt think it adds more than 10 or 12 lbs but who knows. I will say in the very short ride home from the dealer in crap conditions I am really looking forward to getting out on the trail with the eps. Steering was incredibly nice with minimal feedback in the bars over rutted frozen ground. Can turn the sled at a stop with just 1 finger pushing on the bars. I think its going to be especially nice for the big mile days and should greatly reduce discomfort for the people who suffer from arm and or shoulder and back issues.
Riots have 1-1/2" Ripsaw II track?
"people who suffer from arm and or shoulder and back issues" - that's me! I need EPS. Hoping Santa brings me one by next year!
Riots have 1-1/2" Ripsaw II track?
"people who suffer from arm and or shoulder and back issues" - that's me! I need EPS. Hoping Santa brings me one by next year!
1.6 cobra. Its 2 ply and different durometer than standard 1.6 cobras according to cat info. Had awesome luck with that track on tuned winder /studded.
Unit itself is 9.4lbs. 2 additional brackets are maybe another 1-1.5 lbs. Shorter steering shaft+coupling vs longer steering shaft = negligible. Basically it's nothing in the grand scheme of things, and lighter than the GSE kit
GSE unit I put in weighed 11lbs 14oz complete that’s the motor mount bracket and controller
It's the best 11 pounds and one once on the sled.
If anyone is on the fence on the EPS, ride one with and one without back to back.
To me, it makes the sled feel 75lbs lighter.
If you can upgrade with factory parts for @$1500, that a no brainer in my book.
Some should buy the connectors and start selling the jumper harness needed.
