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Whal bros. drivers?


Feb 6, 2007
La Crosse, WI
Which drivers do I need, which tooth and pitch? I just want a anti ratchet driver to replace the stock drivers. I don't want to do any gearing. for a 07' apex rtx. Thanks


i used the 9 tooth 1 1/16-1 1/8 part #02-580 for my 06 attak
i have not got them on yet but that is what whal bros told me i needed.
9 tooth 2.52 pitch is the correct one to replace the stock setup with. I have them in my 07 RTX. It would seem pretty obvious, but make sure you have a fully punched track.
My Wahl Bros drivers looked worn after only 1400 miles on my Apex Mountain. I replaced them this year with Avid drivers after doing my research. I'll keep you guys posted on how they work out.
