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what needs to be done to carbs for supercharging


Dec 14, 2003
Hi guys,i would like to know what should i do to my carbs,i am building a supercharger for my RX-1 and i am unsure about my carbs,i herd that i have to plug the vents of my carbs to my air box for enrichement,is it true?by the way i wont have an intercooler if it changes anything,i am asking this question to the ones that bouth a supercharger kit or turbo kit,what did they made you do to your carbs,up here in canada they are not common so i can't ask any one i know.
Thanks in advance,blowzer

You might want to get an extra engine lined up before you start this project because you'll probably need to replace the one you're going to toast. There's alot of things that have to be figured out that have to be right on or at least close or you will ruin that engine. It might be a better idea to save up and buy a kit that you know allready works, Ken.
Comon guys give me just one or two tips. i built and drive a 671 blower on 350 chevy with 2 holley,but if you run blower with carbs on top, it is not the same as blower with carbs under. i have little problem to understand how a ventury carb can works if you place it after the blower.

He guys i'm a little disappointed in you,i'm blowzer's brother and i am the one that suggested to come here and ask the question,i am an active member of hardcoresledder.com and i thought that like that site you would help him,he is not an idiot,he is a mechanic and had a few speed shop and really knows blowers but less about the motorcycle type carbs.

Wen i ask a question on hardcoresledder,even if it's a stupid one,at least i get an answer because they want to help,i would have thought that the Yamaha family would have been as close or closer.
It's a valid question that only got f #$%&* uncool answers.
yves F 7
P.S.if he does not save to buy one,it's because here in Canada they are f #$%&* expensive and not really in every shop.
The carb vents get pressurized , and fuel pressure has to increase along with boost . Do a search on this site , lots of guys have posted pictures , you should be able to get an Idea that way .
Blowzer, What are you thinking of using for the supercharger? I had thought of using the compressor side of the turbo and making a belt drive off right side of engine like MPI. Don't let anyone steal your dreams.

What wasn't intelligent about my answer? He didn't say anythig about what he does or knows about superchargers or turbos. I've been working on my setup for over two years now, had the engine out and completly disassembled four times sofar and just now finally getting it figured out. This is not an easy project for the average garage tuner and these engines are real expensive to fix when you do something wrong. I'd be willing to bet that every turbo and supercharger manufacturer has had to redo at least one of these engines before they got it right. If your brother can afford to go through all of this then I say go for it , but at least use an intercooler, and read up on averything in these forums to get the most information that he can. Also 4play if you want to use the turbo to build a supercharger you gotta figure out how to spin it at 150,000 rpms for it to work properly, Ken.
intelligent answer

Ok,intelligent answer was a little harsh,i should have written constructive answer,i know you did not know anything about the guy but,instead of trying to discourage him,maybe you should have asked him what he knows about blown engines,he has built lots of blown engines in cars,the basics are the same,low compression or low boost,timing control wen in boost,enrichment wen in boost,etc...
What is new about this project for him is that we are talking about motorcycle carbs,and that is a little more complicated,thats wy he asked for help.
By the way,and thats a question from me),the purpose of an inter-cooler is to cool the air that is going in the engine for more HP and less detonation,why does a sled needs that,first the air is already cold because of the winter,and secondly,it's not because the under hood is hot,the blower is on the carbs side and wen you ride the heat goes to the rear.
yves f 7
The questions you have asked do not have quick easy answers. I would highly suggest looking back through old posts. So far all of your questions have been asked and answered.

Although, I agree with Givemeboost, good luck on your project. There are a few people on here that have made there own turbo setups and they have worked.

Search for posts by Snow Fever
Blowzer, the carbs must be modified to handle boost pressure, meaning that the slide vent circuit and the float bowl vent circuit must be leakproofed so that they can become pressurized circuits that see boost pressure signals. One of the secrets to building a properly functioning system is knowing (or finding) the correct places in the airbox/intercooler to create these signals. MPI (Mountain Performance in Utah) sells billet aluminum tees for the carb rack to replace the rubber ones that leak for many people. The procedure for modifying the carbs is explained in the Bender and MCXpress installation manuals. I wish you the best of luck but still think you are better off spending the money for a kit. There is nothing worse than spending a season dicking around with a sled, when everyone is on the trail having fun. Keep us posted.
I wish it was only one season but so far has gone two winters. I'm just glad that nobody wanted to give me what I wanted for the old mountain max and still have something to ride for the rest of the day after i put the turbo on the trailer till next ride when I try something different. Also you guys want us to give you info but you can't even put anything in your profile , like where your from and what you do for work and playing, Ken.
Shad at Maxximum Performance in Peace RIver put a supercharger off a Mercedes on his, he has worked with turbos, s/c, everything, documented everything, every step, did all the math and physics, it was I believe a several year project, and it didnt work.
Its not a bolt on and go thing. If you want a bolt on and go, buy MPI supercharger. There is no saving a buck here guys.
