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what oil

I agree

I agree with RXFun

Top off the machine with the juice that is already in it. Not sure about other synthetics, but I know that Mobil 1 will mix with regular oil okay, but why do it?

You should never mix sythetics tho. Lubricant engineer at gm says that his team studied the synthetics and found out that there are some additives in the synthetics that "should not be combined" He recommended mobile 1.

Corvett owners can read that recommendation from GM in their manuals. So I stick with one brand. I use them all tho and I use them in everything I own too. Seems to make sense that if you want to keep something, you should use the best. Over the life of stuff, the cost is minimal compared to buying something (machine) all over again.

One more thing.

I own motorcycles too, and over the course of reading different literature, I ran across an artical that a professor in Southern California wrote (forget the school) about lubricants.

To condense, he said that synthetics break down way slower than conventional oils. That the lubrication properties of mineral oils is about half life at 3,000 motorcycle miles, and that the synthetics never deminished below 70% of it's lubrication abilities even with 20,000 motorcycle miles.

That was enough for me to believe that I haven't been wasting my time putting sythetics in all these years.

My 04 mountain will be running on mobil one next year. New filter to boot.
Thanks for all the tips on switching to synthetic , but my problem for now is I am going on a long ride this weekend and I assume that my oil burning 4 stroke might need some oil . It is good now but if it needs some I do not have Yamahlube left and I couldn't get to the dealer . So that is why I wondered if I could add car oil (5w30) if needed . If I can find a dealer on the way and get some Yamaha stuff I will top it up with that but incase I cant find one ...What to do?
You got the OK from LB and Powerhaulic to top up with 5-30 auto oil.

That would be good enough for me.

Will one of you that thinks you can't mix oil, name an oil automobile oil that says do not mix, on their bottle. If you were right the warning would be on every oil bottle.

Go to the Amsoil web site, and read the FAQ.

If you guys are so particular about using the right oil, you would not use synthetic, because the owners manual calls for non-synthetic.

As far as foaming oil, do you think 7,000 rpm is not fast enough to foam and oil? That's 116 times a second. Besides that, I think a dry sump system doesn't have oil in the crankcase, so there's nothing to foam.
Yooper foaming will only occur when you guy's use car oil in your RX1 engine instead of the recommended oil,the molecular structure of car oil's are not meant to be thrashed around at the rpm's that the RX1 motor achieve's,causing it to break down prematurely.
Tell me which oil has a warning not to mix with any other oil, provided its the correct rating.

As for not using auto oil, the owners manual says SE,SF,SG or higher. I have a bottle of Havoline oil in my hand. It is rated SL,SJ,SH. Isn't that higher than SF?

Are you sayine 8<500 rpm will not foam an oil, but 10,000 will?

Go to Amsoil's web site, and read FAQ about mixing.Amsoil 4 stroke oil is SJ,SH,SG,SF,CD,CF.

I'll go with Amsoil, instead of "I heard that, blah blah".
Mobil 1 & Amsoil are both quality synthetics. Either will be a fine upgrade to the petroleum that comes in these sleds. (Just break the motor in first on petroleum)
here in sweden the yamaha dealer recomends shell helix ultra 5-30
full syntetic oil
thats what all rx-1 in sweden have after the first service
The only reason for using a special oil in the RX-1 engine is for the starter clutch. If the starter clutch is a roller type then the oil type will make no difference, if it is a disc type clutch then you may want to use motorcycle oil. The picture on the web site does not show which type it is but to me it looks lke a roller clutch. New car oils have friction modifiers in them that may cause disc type clutches to slip. I know many have and do use Mobile 1 and have had no problems.

As for the base stock of oils all being the same that is not true. Some companies use hydrotreated base stocks which are far superior to the chemically cracked bases. PetroCanada oils are all hydrotreated and are some of the best mineral oils in the world. Ford, and GM both use these oils as their factory fills because they are the best.

Amsoil or Mobile 1 are probably the best oils if you are using a synthetic. Readily available and reasonably priced. If you have really cold temps where you ride then try a 0W30. I am told that Yamaha will have a 0W30 oil for the RX-1, Vector and Rage owners next year.

I know that the original synthetics may not have mixed with mineral oils but I don't know of a single synthetic now that cannot be mixed with mineral oils. In any case if you are low on oil any oil will be better than no oil. Just get it changed if you are in doubt at the earliest possible opportunity.
